quick thoughts on recently-watched movies

Apr 02, 2007 10:23

My werewolf e-du-ma-ca-tion continues!

An American Werewolf in London. I'd never seen the classic, and I figured it was about time. Great transformation scene, naff werewolf, can't feel any sympathy for characters who are warned NOT TO GO OFF THE ROAD and somehow manage to wander from pavement to grassy scrubland and ONLY NOTICE twenty minutes later when spooky angry animal noises start coming from the darkness. People who can't follow basic fairytale rules deserve what they get. Also, if I were a nurse and was treating some strange semi-suicidal boy who is convinced that he's going to turn into a ravening beast tomorrow night, I'd NOT be taking him home, no matter how fascinating his American accent.

The Descent. By the fellow who did Dog Soldiers, so you KNOW I had to check it out. I liked it very much, though my claustrophilia was crazy evident - all of the cave-ins and total darkness bits just made me want to crawl happily underground. Spelunk! There are a couple of very excellent fighty scenes, nicely realistic and visceral. The women in this cleared out the nasty taste High Tension left in the back of my mouth, so that's a win. It won't replace Dog Soldiers as my favorite-thing-EVAR, but it was definitely worth the watching.

Neil Marshall's doing another movie with Sean Pertwee and Darren Morfitt. There is much rejoicing!
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