Dammit Man, I'm Doctor, not a voyuer

Apr 10, 2010 22:05


Q1. Name: Emma

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet? Through community promo
Q3. When did you first become interested in Star Trek? Probably in school about 13 or 14 years ago, although I think I've always been aware of it from a very young age. My friend and I used to sit in history lessons at the back of the class drawing Deep Space Nine and Klingon battle cruisers in our notebooks.

Q4. Why have you decided to join Elite of the Fleet? Because Star Trek has always been a part of my life in some form or another and its always nice to know there are others around who appreciate it as much (or more so) than you do. I have also begun to get back into it in a big way since the re-boot.

Q5. Who is your favourite Star Trek character? After long and hard consideration I'd have to say Dukat from DS9. He is my absolute favorite bad guy from all the series. I love his charm, his eloquence, the way he carries himself. He his absolute slime on legs and for some reason I think that's great! Porthos comes in a close second ;)

Q6. And the least?hmmm? Well it seems unfair to pick really, but I'd have to go for Travis Mayweather from Enterprise. For some reason I just couldn't engage with him. He also seemed a bit too perfect sometimes.

Q7. Which television (or film) series is your favourite? That's a toughie, because I love them all! I think Deep Space Nine though because its the first series I watched properly so it will always hold a special place in my heart.


Q8. What do you hope to gain from your service in Starfleet? New Friends, discussions, general fandom geekyness.

Q9. Is there any occupation in Starfleet you feel you would be particularly unsuited for? Anything that's too engineering or math related.

Q10. The four current Academic Tracks at the Academy are Tactics, Operations, Exploratory Sciences and Medical Sciences. Describe how you could be an asset to each of these departments.
Tactical: I can lead and motivate a team well and I can think on my feet. I don't panic in stressful situations and keep calm under pressure.
Operations: I'm very good at organization and administrative tasks. I love to work to plans and keep an efficient work space.
Exploratory Sciences: I have a keen interest in Astronomy and would be a vital addition to any astrometrics lab. I adore looking at the stars and figuring out the constellations.
Medical: I love anatomy and how the body works sort of stuff. My mother is a radiographer so I grew up knowing the names for various bones different types of fractures. I also have a keen interest in psychiatry and psychology from having to deal with various issues myself and with family members.

Q11. What are your top five strengths?
02. I'm hard working and eager to please.
03. Organization
04. Integrity
05. Creativity

Q12. What are your top five weaknesses?
01. Lack of self confidence
02. I Can sometimes take criticism badly
03. Empathy- I can sometimes try to relate too much to other people and end up forgetting myself.
04. Communication. I can't always express what I want to say, especially in written form.
05. I can take things too personally.

Q13. What is your biggest fear? Losing a family member

Q14. Do you consider yourself to be a leader, or a follower? A bit of both. I have respect for leaders but I can also lead a team myself.

Q15. What do you admire the most in your peers? honesty, loyalty, hard working. People you can count on.

Q16. You are stranded on a Class M planet that has not been mapped by The Federation. You are only allowed to choose two of the following items to keep with you: a phaser, a tricorder or a communicator. Which two would you choose to have? Probably a tricorder because I'd like to evaluate my surroundings as much as possible to see what I'm potentially up against. It would probably be the most useful survival tool.

Q17. Please describe your understanding of the Federation’s Prime Directive.The Prime Directive is there to help prevent the federation from influencing the course of a less developed planets natural course of evolution. For example it dictates there can be no interference with pre- warp civilizations. The idea being that The Federation has no right to "play god" with other cultures and societies. It's application by starfleet captains over the years has been inconsistent though (especially with Kirk) and seems to be up to their own judgment whether it applies to a given situation or not.

Q18. The United Federation of Planets includes more than 150 member planets, and the galaxy has many more besides. Which planet do you most want to visit? I'd visit Vulcan if it was cooler (I don't really like too much heat) I think I'd have to visit Risa, purely for academic reasons obviously.


The following questions describe situations you may commonly find yourself in as a member of Starfleet. You will be read the scenario, and then given two options to choose from. You may expand upon the reasons for your choice, but you must indicate one of the two that you feel best describes your likely response to the situation provided.

Q19. Service in the Fleet can be draining at the best of times, and on one particular day everything seems to have gone wrong. You’re exhausted, but your shift is finally over and it’s time to unwind. Your roommate is already on their bed when you get back to your quarters. Do you:

b. Say hi, then stick in some earphones for music or grab a PADD for some recreational reading. A lie-down sounds pretty good right now, or maybe a bit of time relaxing on the observation deck - it should be pretty quiet by this time, which will give you a chance to sort through the day’s events in your head.

I'd respect their privacy if they have already settled down for the evening. I'd talk to them though if they wanted.

Q20. You’ve intercepted what sounds like a pretty important transmission - you feel like the Captain needs to know. When you report, do you:

a. Give them all the facts: what it said, what the voice sounded like, where the inflection was, the language it was in, and so on. Details and facts are the important part, everything else is subjective.

I'd let the Captain make up their own mind about the contexts and so on, hopefully my relaying of the message would be accurate enough for them to do that themselves.

Q21. There are many decisions to be made in Starfleet, and some are harder than others. Faced with a decision where things could go wrong in any number of ways, do you:

b. Try to understand the perspectives of the people involved. They are the ones that will be influenced by the decision, and conflict is the least desirable outcome. Be certain to be tactful, even if some of the message is lost in the communication.

By my nature I find it hard to stay objective etc. I tend to always lean towards the thoughts and feelings of the others around.

Q22. The day-to-day life of Starfleet can be quite arduous at times, and quite exciting at others. Everyone has their own way of approaching everyday work, but would others see your approach as:

a. Planned and orderly. You seem to prefer to have decisions made and matters settled, rather than hanging over your head. You appear comfortable when in control over such matters. You seem to be task-oriented, and plan ahead.

I am very organised and love to have plans for everything. I hate to leave things until the last minute. That being said I can think on my feet if required.

academy round 16, enlistment application

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