Dammit man, I'm a professor, not a hero!

Apr 11, 2010 04:08


Q1. Name: Rebecca

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet? I found it through a post in startrek2009

Q3. When did you first become interested in Star Trek? I have been watching The Original Series with my mother since I was a young child, however, I didn't become intensely interested in it until a few years ago. My brother first got really involved with it, and I became more interested due to him talking about it nonstop.

Q4. Why have you decided to join Elite of the Fleet? I think it would be a fun way to connect with other fans, especially considering that the only other people interested in it that I know are my brother, my mother, and one of my close friends. I love discussing the shows and movies with other fans.

Q5. Who is your favourite Star Trek character? As a child my favorite character was Jim Kirk, mostly because he was the leader and my four year old self thought that was just the coolest thing, but now that I've gotten older and gotten more actively involved with the shows, movies, and fandom, it would probably be McCoy. He's quite different from me, and I enjoy his passion for the crew members and his sense of humor.

Q6. And the least? To be perfectly honest, I don't especially dislike any of them, but I'm not such a big fan of Spock. I don't find him to be a particularly engaging character, although the reboot did somewhat help to make me like him as a character more, because I can relate to the conflict of feeling like there's two sides of yourself that are both demanding your allegiance.

Q7. Which television (or film) series is your favourite? The Original Series is definitely my favorite, because it was the one I watched as a child, and I grew up with it. I also have a distinct fondness for Voyager, because I adored Captain Janeway.


Q8. What do you hope to gain from your service in Starfleet? I hope to gain new friends, and an opportunity to discuss Star Trek with other people who are as interested in it as I am, and to discover even more about the show that I love.

Q9. Is there any occupation in Starfleet you feel you would be particularly unsuited for? I'm admittedly not the best navigator. I rely on my GPS far too much when driving, and in general I don't have much talent for figuring out where things are and precisely how to get to them.

Q10. The four current Academic Tracks at the Academy are Tactics, Operations, Exploratory Sciences and Medical Sciences. Describe how you could be an asset to each of these departments.
Tactical: As I stated above, I doubt that I would be an incredible asset in navigation, but I do think that I could be an asset in either piloting or command. I really love being the leader, and I'm good at maintaining a level head in situations of extreme stress. I'm not one to crack under pressure. I think I would be good at piloting because I've always loved driving and flying.
Operations: I think I could be an asset in Operations mostly because I have some engineering knowledge. I don't consider myself to be a diplomat or an excellent communicator, but I'm good at figuring out how things work and fixing them. I often have to fix my car myself, and I usually do well with it. I might do well in Security because I am fairly strong and I'm not afraid of confrontation.
Exploratory Sciences: I think I would do well in Exploratory Sciences because I'm actually studying astrophysics right now. I'm not very advanced in my studies, but I have some knowledge relating to it, and my mind works well in scientific subjects. In school my favorite subjects were always science and math.
Medical: While I don't think I would do incredibly well with psychology and psychiatry, due to the fact that my communication skills are really only average, I think I would be an asset with physical medicine. I'm fairly good at diagnosing problems and issues and coming up with a solution for them, and I do have an interest in medicine. I was actually thinking about becoming a doctor for quite a while.

Q11. What are your top five strengths?
01. Creative: I'm good at finding new ways of doing things and new strategies. This developed as a necessity, I can get bored kind of easily, and being creative helped a lot.
02. Ambitious: I have an inner drive to do well and become very accomplished. I have a constant desire to do well and achieve more than what is expected of me. My ambition causes me to work very hard, and I generally do better because of it.
03. Caring: I may not be excellent at showing it, but I care very deeply for those around me. I do the best I can to make sure that the needs of those around me are well taken care of, and I try to make decisions that will benefit those I love.
04. Intelligence: I believe that I have a decent amount of intelligence, and I love learning and experiencing new things. My knowledge of certain subjects has helped me a lot both in school and out.
05. Stubbornness: I can take this trait too far sometimes, but for the most part, I consider my stubbornness to be beneficial. I refuse to give up, even if a situation seems impossible, and I do not allow difficulties to stop me.

Q12. What are your top five weaknesses?
01. Procrastination: This gets me in trouble frequently, I have a tendency to leave things until the last minute. I always finish in the end, but I tend to cause myself some unnecessary stress by waiting so long to start.
02. Cockiness: I'm not intentionally arrogant, but sometimes I get myself in over my head when I over-estimate my abilities and end up being unprepared.
03. Distractibility: Sometimes I have trouble remaining focused on the task at hand. It's worse when I'm not particularly interested in what I'm doing at the moment, if I'm interested, it's pretty easy to maintain focus.
04. Temper: I can be a little quick to anger if I'm bored or in a situation that I really don't want to be in, and once I'm angry, I often say things that can be cruel and that I usually really regret saying later.
05. Controlling: It bothers me when things don't go as I want them to, and I sometimes try too hard to control things to avoid having things end badly for me. I really don't like feeling out of control.

Q13. What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is never achieving what I want out of life, which is adventure and excitement, and being stuck in my hometown forever. My philosophy on life is that if I'm not out there experiencing new things and having fun, I'm not really living. The idea of things staying the same forever is terrifying to me.

Q14. Do you consider yourself to be a leader, or a follower? I consider myself to be a leader, for the most part. I like having control, and I enjoy making plans and coming up with ideas. If I recognize that someone else doing a better job of leading than I am though, I am willing to step down, for the most part.

Q15. What do you admire the most in your peers? I admire ambition and intelligence. I usually try to surround myself with those who seek out greater things and want more out of life than just what is handed to them. I admire intelligence because people who are intelligent are the most interesting to talk to, and I feel like I can learn a lot from those who are more intelligent than I am.

Q16. You are stranded on a Class M planet that has not been mapped by The Federation. You are only allowed to choose two of the following items to keep with you: a phaser, a tricorder or a communicator. Which two would you choose to have? I would keep a phaser and a communicator. I would keep the phaser because it would be very useful if I had to defend myself from any attacks that could happen. I would keep the communicator so that I would be able to contact the ship for assistance and report any interesting things that I find while on the planet. The communicator would also be useful because someone on the ship could use it to walk me through a procedure I need to do while stranded that isn't a part of my normal job description.

Q17. Please describe your understanding of the Federation’s Prime Directive. The Prime Directive is put into place to stop us from interfering with civilizations that have not yet developed interstellar travel capabilities. Civilizations must be allowed to develop at their own rate, and contact with a civilization that is more developed would inevitably change the outcome of their development.

Q18. The United Federation of Planets includes more than 150 member planets, and the galaxy has many more besides. Which planet do you most want to visit? I would love to visit the planet from the TOS episode "Shore Leave." It looks absolutely fascinating, and the idea of anything I think of becoming real is an intriguing one. It would also be an interesting planet to use to discover people's true natures, simply by studying what appears when they are on it.


The following questions describe situations you may commonly find yourself in as a member of Starfleet. You will be read the scenario, and then given two options to choose from. You may expand upon the reasons for your choice, but you must indicate one of the two that you feel best describes your likely response to the situation provided.

Q19. Service in the Fleet can be draining at the best of times, and on one particular day everything seems to have gone wrong. You’re exhausted, but your shift is finally over and it’s time to unwind. Your roommate is already on their bed when you get back to your quarters. Do you:
b. Say hi, then stick in some earphones for music or grab a PADD for some recreational reading. A lie-down sounds pretty good right now, or maybe a bit of time relaxing on the observation deck - it should be pretty quiet by this time, which will give you a chance to sort through the day’s events in your head.

Peace and quiet is an essential in my life. I enjoy spending time around people, but if I spend too much time with others I tend to feel drained after, and I like to recharge by quiet relaxation. I use my quiet time to think things and issues in my life through, and the time helps me sort out any problems I may be having. I'm not one to share my feelings with other people frequently, particularly if they're negative, so I rely on quiet to deal with my feelings in my own way.

Q20. You’ve intercepted what sounds like a pretty important transmission - you feel like the Captain needs to know. When you report, do you:

a. Give them all the facts: what it said, what the voice sounded like, where the inflection was, the language it was in, and so on. Details and facts are the important part, everything else is subjective.

I would give only the main details and facts because if I add in my own opinion as to what happened and what the circumstances were, I could be wrong, and that could make the situation worse. If the Captain asked me for my opinion, I would gladly give it, but it shouldn't automatically be a part of my report. If I remain objective, it is easier for the Captain to see the situation and then make their own decision as to what should be done about it.

Q21. There are many decisions to be made in Starfleet, and some are harder than others. Faced with a decision where things could go wrong in any number of ways, do you:

a. Stay impersonal and objective. Weigh up the pros and cons, think out all the possibilities, and focus on the basic truths. A careful analysis of the situation will reveal the best possible choice, even though some may not approve of it.

While I would hope that any decision I would come to would be satisfactory to those who will be affected by it, I would not dedicate my decision making process to attempting to make everyone happy. It is too difficult to try to please everyone, and I can come to the most rational decision by not making the situation too personal.

Q22. The day-to-day life of Starfleet can be quite arduous at times, and quite exciting at others. Everyone has their own way of approaching everyday work, but would others see your approach as:

b. Flexible and spontaneous. Others think you prefer to adapt to the world around you rather than organise it. You seem to be more comfortable staying open to information and experiences rather than making decisions immediately. You appear fairly casual, working in bursts and motivated by deadlines.

While I do enjoy being in control, I enjoy having excitement in my life. I don't like planning things too carefully, and I often find it easier if I do things spontaneously. It makes even everyday tasks seem not so mundane. My habit of procrastination also causes me to be highly motivated by deadlines.

Q23. You can earn 5 points for your future Track by promoting the community in your Journal. Please link the post here if you wish to do so:

academy round 16, enlistment application

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