Damnit, Man, I'm a Poet, Not an Old Spice Commercial!

Aug 04, 2010 12:46


Q1. Name: Murf

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet?
I was searching for Pinto fic, and I wandered onto jihime47’s journal, only to find that she’d been accepted into the Fleet, and I researched from there.

Q3. When did you first become interested in Star Trek?
May of 2009. I went to see Reboot with my boyfriend, and I was lost from there on out.

Q4. Why have you decided to join Elite of the Fleet?
I really miss the Ship Wars, which I participated in earlier this year. I love these sorts of comms, and I love to have fun with other Trek fans.

Q5. Who is your favourite Star Trek character?
I’m not sure. I love McCoy, but I also adore Scotty and Chekov. I think I’ll go with TOS McCoy on this one. McCoy’s grumpy and all, but he’s got a heart of gold, and I’ll admit I have a weakness for his pretty blue eyes. I actually just read the Trek novel The Wounded Sky by Diane Duane, and she characterized him as, despite his grumpy outside, having a great respect and love of life, and, to quote: “this passionate allegiance to life, this fierce charity that wished health and joy to everything that lived.”

Q6. And the least?
T’Pring. I realize she didn’t have many choices in her situation, but I hate that she had to pick Kirk. She also just has this air about her of hateful vengefulness that I can’t stand in people. I actually feel bad for Stonn - with a “consort” like that, he’s in for a long ride.

Q7. Which television (or film) series is your favourite?
I like TOS best, but I’m not familiar with anything but TOS and Reboot. TOS is wonderful; it’s campy, but it’s way more cerebral and philosophical than any other TV show I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. Also, I’m an admitted Kirk/Spock shipper, and the whole of the TOS movie series is like slash heaven for me. Much as I love Reboot, there’s not enough in it.


Q8. What do you hope to gain from your service in Starfleet?
More insight into how beings behave, and the company of like-minded people.

Q9. Is there any occupation in Starfleet you feel you would be particularly unsuited for?
I could never be a surgeon. Too much blood for me.

Q10. The four current Academic Tracks at the Academy are Tactics, Operations, Exploratory Sciences and Medical Sciences. Describe how you could be an asset to each of these departments.
Tactical: [FYI: Navigation, Piloting, Command Specialisation - sometimes known as Command Division] I’m very calm in crisis situations, and I love things that go fast.
Operations: [FYI: Engineering, Diplomacy, Administration, Communications, Security] I’m very good with people, I love languages, and I also enjoy working with my hands.
Exploratory Sciences: [FYI: Physics, Xenobiology, Xenobotany, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mathematics] I have a weakness in this area, but I’m definitely willing to learn about these fields.
Medical: [FYI: General Practitioners, Physiology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Nursing, Specialisations] I love helping people, and I’m very good at calming them down.

Q11. What are your top five strengths?
01. Eloquence. I’m a writer, and I’m very good at it.
02. Determination. Once I’m committed to something, I’ll see it through to the end.
03. Compassion. I can’t stand to see people in pain.
04. Intelligence. I’m an extremely quick learner, and I’m positively in love with the pursuit of knowledge.
05. Calm. I let a lot of things roll off my back that most other people would freak out over. My one beserk button is when people try and say homosexuality is wrong or immoral. I get seriously angry at people who do that.

Q12. What are your top five weaknesses?
01. Definitely Math. I have difficulty there; I got a 74 on my last standardized math exam.
02. I’m very, very stubborn. When I’ve decided something, I’ll insist that I’m right, even though I may not be.
03. Procrastination. I honestly have trouble with not waiting til the last minute to get something done.
04. I’m too strong-willed to back down from an argument, even though I honestly dislike conflicts of all kinds (except, of course, when writing a story).
05. I’m really bad at making the first move in a conversation, especially with people I don’t know. I’m not shy, per se, I just hate the idea of not knowing what to talk to someone about.

Q13. What is your biggest fear?
Losing the people I love, or being unable to help them. I’d do anything to keep them safe and healthy. For example, my boyfriend was having family issues and was angry all the time, and my one fear was that he would self-harm, because he hand in the past.

Q14. Do you consider yourself to be a leader, or a follower?
I want to call myself a leader, but I’m not sure. Certainly, I don’t just follow the mainstream of pop culture, but I’ve not really done anything of note in the “leader” area.

Q15. What do you admire the most in your peers?
That they can balance so much on their plates, in the sense that they’re so busy, but they’re still successful.

Q16. You are stranded on a Class M planet that has not been mapped by The Federation. You are only allowed to choose two of the following items to keep with you: a phaser, a tricorder or a communicator. Which two would you choose to have?
A tricorder, to determine if I can eat anything here while I’m stranded, and a communicator, if the darn thing actually works.

Q17. Please describe your understanding of the Federation’s Prime Directive.
I believe the Prime Directive is in place to prevent us from becoming Prometheus; we can’t in good conscience change the course of a culture’s development.

Q18. The United Federation of Planets includes more than 150 member planets, and the galaxy has many more besides. Which planet do you most want to visit?
Vulcan, without a doubt. I want to learn some of their meditation techniques, if they’re compatible with the human mind.


The following questions describe situations you may commonly find yourself in as a member of Starfleet. You will be read the scenario, and then given two options to choose from. You may expand upon the reasons for your choice, but you must indicate one of the two that you feel best describes your likely response to the situation provided.

Q19. Service in the Fleet can be draining at the best of times, and on one particular day everything seems to have gone wrong. You’re exhausted, but your shift is finally over and it’s time to unwind. Your roommate is already on their bed when you get back to your quarters. Do you:

a. Settle in for a lengthy chat with them - you’d really like to vent about your day and you’d quite like to hear about theirs too. It’s a bit of a ritual by this point anyway. Maybe you’ll even head out to the Rec Hall together to unwind over a card game with the others.

If I’m sharing a room with someone, I’d hope we’re good enough friends at this point that we can vent to each other. Also, if my roommate seems upset, it would bother me too much not to ask what’s wrong.

Q20. You’ve intercepted what sounds like a pretty important transmission - you feel like the Captain needs to know. When you report, do you:

b. Give them the facts, but your interpretation and the way it fits into context is more important. The Captain wasn’t there, after all - the way you explain it could make all the difference.

If I’m in a position where I could intercept a message in the first place, I’m in a position where my interpretations are trusted. Also, (b) encompasses (a) as well.

Q21. There are many decisions to be made in Starfleet, and some are harder than others. Faced with a decision where things could go wrong in any number of ways, do you:
b. Try to understand the perspectives of the people involved. They are the ones that will be influenced by the decision, and conflict is the least desirable outcome. Be certain to be tactful, even if some of the message is lost in the communication.

I don’t think I could be objective in such a situation. I might wish I was, but I’m not that kind of person. People who’re involved need their problem solved in a way that actually benefits them. The ‘higher good’ isn’t always the right thing.

Q22. The day-to-day life of Starfleet can be quite arduous at times, and quite exciting at others. Everyone has their own way of approaching everyday work, but would others see your approach as:
b. Flexible and spontaneous. Others think you prefer to adapt to the world around you rather than organise it. You seem to be more comfortable staying open to information and experiences rather than making decisions immediately. You appear fairly casual, working in bursts and motivated by deadlines.

I’m not a very decisive person; in fact, major decisions sometimes frighten me. I also work best under a deadline; even though I do find myself procrastinating.

Q23. You can earn 5 points for your future Track by promoting the community in your Journal. Please link the post here if you wish to do so:
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