1. in my experience there are more than two genders and i happen to be attracted to folks who are neither male nor female in addition to folks who are male or female (or both). i am, in a word, pansexual.
4. i believe that the legal privileges of marriage (things like spousal health insurance coverage, hospital visitation rights, estate inheritance, etc.) should be extended to any persons in a relationship who choose to make a commitment to each other (including relationships in which more than two people participate). i couldn't care less what you call it. i would be equally happy if the legal privileges were done away with altogether.
4. I don't believe in marriage as a whole in the eyes of the law. Marriage in and of itself is a religious institution, civil unions should be the law for gay/straight/whatever.
Comments 4
4. i believe that the legal privileges of marriage (things like spousal health insurance coverage, hospital visitation rights, estate inheritance, etc.) should be extended to any persons in a relationship who choose to make a commitment to each other (including relationships in which more than two people participate). i couldn't care less what you call it. i would be equally happy if the legal privileges were done away with altogether.
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