Title: The Deceleration Frustration
Rating: G
Summary: Leonard and Penny decide to take things slow.
Characters/pairings: Leonard/Penny
Length: 324
Notes: Inspired by some conversation months ago on the LP board at fanforum. Wrote this back in September, but only just now typed it and cleaned it up.
They agree to take things slow this time around.
Not that they’d exactly rushed into things the first time. It took nearly a year before they went on their first real date, and then another year after that before they tried it again and made it last. But once they made that switch, they’d gone into full-blown relationship mode.
This time would be different. Both Leonard and Penny wanted to be sure this was more than some rebound, or falling back into the routine of their old mistakes.
He takes her out to dinner, to a new restaurant they haven’t been to before, and they just talk. She tells him about her callback for a new sitcom, and how it’s a step forward even though she didn’t get the part. He explains to her the recent discoveries at CERN, and how it’s affected his own research. They jokingly bet on how long Bernadette will last in the Wolowitz household, and when Wheaton will end up back on Sheldon’s mortal enemy list.
Yet the whole time Penny can’t help but wonder how the night will end. She remembers their promises to advance slowly, but at the same time she’s missed falling asleep in Leonard’s arms, fingers entwined, his body warm and solid against hers.
When they reach the fourth floor much later that night, Leonard walks Penny to her door. He hesitates, then leans in slowly, and Penny’s eye flutter shut of their own accord, her heart skipping a beat in anticipation.
But their lips don’t meet.
“Goodnight,” he whispers instead, his breath hot on her ear. He places a soft kiss on her cheek, lingering for just a moment. Penny turns her face towards his, but he’s already stepping away.
His grin is all too cocky for Penny’s liking as he disappears into his apartment.
Well that’s just not fair.
Next time, Penny decides, she’ll see how Leonard holds up with the same treatment.