Passed my Life exam!

Nov 03, 2005 12:21

First things first--yesterday I took my licensing test in Lansing and passed! I think that I should be a great deal happier about, everyone I work with is excited and I am happy--don't get me wrong, it's just that it was so easy for me that it really doesn't feel like that much of an accomplishment. Wow, do I sound conceited or what?

But it's true--when you do something that is easy for you, that you know you can do, and that you don't have to work hard for, do you feel like you accomplished something when you actually do it for real? The answer is no, not really. You are happy because you accomplished what you set out to do, but you aren't excited about it because you didn't have to work to get it. And what seems like nothing to you is something big to someone else--I know this for a fact.

I'm one of those brainy types--school is easy for me and, what's more, I like school and learning. I know, "Big Geek" needs to be tattooed to my forehead. Well, anybody that knows me already knows I'm a huge geek and proud of it. I love my Otaku shirt!. Anyways, so school is what my thing is--you know what I mean--everybody has one thing that is their thing: it comes naturally to them, they are good at it and enjoy it. For a lot of people, socializing is their thing, or for others it is being the center of attention, or others it is leading people and having power over others (something that I have never seen the appeal of--why would I want to have people have to obey me? I just don't get it and that is why politics is definitely not my thing. I rather have people want to be with me and agree with me because they understand whatever it is and think that I'm right. Anything else is hollow.) Off track a little--moving on... And for some people, sports is their thing and that is what they excel at.

Now me, I did sports in school also, but it was definitely not because I was good at it. I was, and still am, competent enough to get by, but if I want to do more than just get by, I have to work at it and I mean hard! In the fall I was on the swimming team and in the spring I played soccer. Now, I love to play soccer and so I play because I love it, not because I am good, because I'm not. But I know this, understand that I'm mediocre at best and accept it. That doesn't mean that I don't try to improve my playing, because I do, merely that I am comfortable with the fact that I'm an average soccer player and no matter how hard I try--since I lack balance (I am constantly falling down when playing, knocking others down with me or even falling over other people--but I still play because no matter how many times I fall down, I can always get back up to try and knock someone else down instead and play), and coordination (I seriously lack depth-perception, making driving a bitch, and the whole hand-eye coordination thing? We are definitely un-mixy things--I suck at video games too--unless they are RPG)--I will never be a great athlete.

At one time, that would really have bugged the hell out of me--at one time I thought that I had to be the best in everything I did--I was a major pain-in-the-ass now that I think about it. And do you know what that got me? A whole lot of stress and worrying and headaches about things that I Physically can't change. But I am okay with it now--I finally understand that, as a human being, I will exceed at some things, be average at others and suck at the rest. That's being human.

Shoot, where did my train of thought wander off to? Oh yeah, soccer. I played in high school and still play when I can because I like playing, not because I'm good at it. Swimming was different though. Initially I swum because I was taking swimming lessons and, well, to pass your swimming lessons, you kind-of have to swim. I really enjoyed my swimming lessons, even passed them all to become a lifeguard too, so I thought--why not join the swimming team in high school? Soccer was in the spring, so I had nothing in the fall to do sport wise and since swimming was in the fall and they accepted everybody, I figured 'why not' and joined.

After that first week of swimming practices (because it is a fall sport, practices begin two weeks before school starts, so we would have 2 practices a day, at least 2 hours long each) I understood 'why not'--it is f-ing hard work! Anyone who has swum competitively knows exactly what I am talking about and understands how hard that first week back is. Now I'm sure someone reading this--if anyone actually does--is thinking, "It's just swimming--what is so hard about that?" Well, think about runners--the ones that do sprints like 100 m, medium distance like the 1 mile and the long-distance runners who do cross-country--put them in the water and you have swimmers. How do runners practice? They run and run and run until they feel like their legs will fall off and then run more. Swimmers do the exact same thing, except with swimming, you use your entire body to pull yourself through water, not just your legs to propel yourself into motion.

It seems all I am doing lately is schoolwork in one form or another.

Gah, I'm falling asleep here--I will have to finish this entry tomorrow.

work, rl

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