So, on Saturday, I was getting ready to go out, but I wanted to wear my Dark Blue suit, so as I'm pressing the pants and ironing the vest, I was going to wear the bright-ish blue dress shirt. I remembered that the collar is pretty tight because of my big-ass Adam's Apple, so I had asked my mom if she could take off the button, and move it over a little bit so that it fits better. I gave her the shirt, and the thread. Then, she asked me for a seam ripper, so I went over to the sewing box and moved this plastic bag of threads, and spindles and what not over on the side, and got the seam ripper for her, and gave it to her. Then, I heard somthing fall off of the dresser, so I went to go look, and it sounded like tha bag fell behind the dresser, so I leaned over and tried to see what it was, and as I did that the top of my head touched the wall, and I looked down and saw that it was the bag. SO, I tried to move back, and my head was stuck to the wall! I yelled, " Ah~! I... I'M STUCK!!" And I couldn't get my head away! Something caught my hair and I was stuck to the wall! My mom freaks out, and tried to come and help me get unstuck~ but I managed to get me hair off of whatever the hell it was. Then, I looked at the wall, and there was this bigass nail that caught my hair.
I got "Kelso"-ed a bunch of times when I told this story, I mean, seriously: Whom else do you know that would get their head stuck to a wall?! ME>> LOL