We just got back from a weekend of rocking and rolling in Austin, showing off some new tunes to boot -- we had 9 performances in a mere 48 hours, and as an ENSeMBle we've never been hotter or tighter! Whenever the band does an all-weekend lovefest like this, afterwards it's clear we've leveled up in a big way...
...so all the more reason to come see us tonight at Johnny D's with Bury Me Standing, Ansambl Mastika, and Bulgarian dance troupe Ludo Mlado!
Bury Me Standing describes itself as Gypsy Dirge-Core, a strange intertwining of Balkan folksong, art metal, and psychedelic avant-pop. Their core instrumentation is singularly unique, including digital marimba, found-object percussion, prepared upright bass, and haunting, Bulgarian-inflected vocals led by Nate Greenslit (of HUMANWINE and What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?) and Vessela Stoyanova (of Goli and Fluttr Effect). Tonight, Bury Me Standing will include a trio of Greek and Bulgarian singers, a punk street-style horn ensemble, and strings.
The night will open with Brooklyn’s new Balkan uproar band Ansambl Mastika, led by “scorchingly fast, incisive” clarinetist Greg Squared. The evening’s performances will range from broody, complex songs, to a full-on dance party, including Bulgarian dance troupe
Ludo Mlado.
Johnny D's, Somerville, MA
Bury Me Standing,
Ansambl Mastika, and ENSMB
Friday March 18, 8pm
21+, tickets are $10 at the door