(no subject)

Aug 09, 2004 21:56

Wow. a survey. I have nothing to write about. Ever.

-- General Questions --

1. Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment?: I dunno, but it certainly isn't me.
2. What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?: Rainy day
3. Do you consider yourself lucky?: Sometimes.
4. Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?: It depends, but either way I think that they could've easily done SOMETHING to prevent it.
5. Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: thoughtful

-- Clothing/Hair --

1. Do you own any plaid clothing?: I think some plaid pants... er. old man pants.
2. Do you own Converse shoes?: yeah.
3. Do you own Saucony shoes?: No.
4. Do you own old school Nikes?: No.
5. Do you wear tight pants?: sometimes. my legs are out of proportion to my stomach.. so... it's all baggy in the legs if they're not tight pants x_x;
6. Is there more than one zipper in your pants?: Not that I know of.
7. Do you know what a squatter flap is?: ...No. ._.;
8. Do you own a messenger bag?: yessum
9. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest?: Yep
10. Do you own braces?: No.
11. Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth?: Nope
12. Do you have short, shaggy hair?: yeah, anymore. x_x;
14. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?: it could poke your eye out, I'm sure.
15. Do you think mohawks are "neat"?: They're ok.
16. Is your hair black or red?: everyone thinks it's black, but it's more just like.. a shade lighter than black.
17. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?: not really.
18. Do you own a bandana?: Yeah
19. Do you wear plugs in your ears?: No
20. Are you amused by safety pins?: they're ok.
21. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?: Nope.
22. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them?: Yep
23. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London?: maybe something from lip service, but I really doubt it.
24. Do you enjoy leopard print?: ew. no

-- Habits/Beliefs --

25. Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?: A lot of the time.
26. Are you an anarchist?: No
27. Does the American flag anger you?: Nope.
28. Are you working class?: I suppose so.
29. Do you dislike "preps"?: They can get annoying.
30. Do you dislike Hot Topic?: It's ok.
31. Do you smoke cigarettes?: Nope
32. Do you smoke cloves?: No.
33. Are you a thin waif?: No.
34. Are you vegan/vegetarian?: pfft, no.
35. Do you think meat is murder?: Not at all.
36. Do your night time activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting?: No, I'm not a moron.
37. Have you ever slept in an alley or park?: I think in a park once, but it wasn't for long.
38. Do you wash your hair less than once a week?: every day. :B
39. Have you ever gone a week without a shower?: I think I have, but it would be because I never did anything for that week, so nothing to dirty myself up with.
40. Have you ever been avoided due to your odor?: I sure hope not. *smells pits*
41. Do you know who Jack Kerouac is?: No, because I'm dumb.
42. Do you like Mr. Kerouac?: . . .
43. Should Mumia Abu-jamal be freed from prison?: ....
44. Are you a member of the Makeout Club?: Isn't that like the Babysitters Club, only with making out... with.. babies? :|
45. Do you say "rad"?: I think I have.
46. Do you say "rockin'"?: yeah. x_x
47. Do you say punk "rawk"?: only when I'm making fun of it
48. Do you shout the word "oi"?: not in a Ramones way.
49. Do you say "punk's not dead"?: no.
50. Do you say "punk is dead"?: No.

-- Music --

51. Do you like bands with "."?: a period? :|
52. Do you like bands with "theory": Not really
53. Do you like bands with "the"?: some.
54. Do you ever precede your own name with "the" at the beginning?: "teh phuzzy"
55. Do you like bands with the F word in their name or album title?: Not really.
56. Do you think "Christian punk" is an oxymoron?: just funny.
57. Are Blink 182 fans "posers"?: If you like it, go for it, but don't act like you're totally and completely hardcore because of it. but hey, we're all posers in someones eyes.
58. Do you have frequent debates over what exactly constitutes a sellout?: Nope.
59. Have you ever brought the headlining band food?: Nope
60. Do you have show flyers affixed to your walls?: Nope.

* . . . Y O U . . . *

1) pierce your nose or tongue?: No.
2) Funny or Serious?:more funny.
3) drink whole or skim milk?: Skim, because that's all my Dad fucking buys.

* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*

4) simple or complicated?: Complicated

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *

5) flowers or angels?: flowers.
6) grey or gray?: Grey
7) color or black-and-white photos?: Black and white
8) lust or love?: Love
9) sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
10) M&Ms or Skittles?: M&M
11) rap or rock?: Rock
12) staying up late or waking up early?: Staying up late omg
15) eating apples or oranges?: APPLES

* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *

16) Do you have a crush?: Nope.
17) Who is it?: . . .

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *

18) being hot or cold?: Cold
19) tall members of the opposite sex?: yes <3
20) sun or moon?: Moon
21) emeralds or rubies?: Emeralds
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: 1 best friend
24) sun or rain?: Rain
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: vanilla
26) boys or girls?: Boys.
27) green beans or carrots?: Cooked Green Beans, raw Carrots :3

* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *

29) What is your biggest fear in the world?: Drowning, and being alone.
30) Kids or no kids?: Kids
31) Cat or dog?: both!
32) Half empty or half full?: Both
33) Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books?: hard backs
35) Newspaper or magazine?: Magazine
36) Sandals or sneakers?: Both
37) Wonder or amazement?: Both
38) Red car or white car?: Red
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich?: Happy and poor
40) singing or dancing?: Both!
41) Hugging or kissing?: Both <3
42) Corduroy or plain?: Either. <3
43) Happy or sad?: rather be happy, but I'm sometimes sad.
44) Purple or green?: Green.
45) Blondes, brunettes?: Brunettes <3

* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *

What time is it?: 10:14 p.m.
Full name?: Kelli Nicole Austill
Nicknames: Phuzz, Phuzzy, phuzzmodiar, Laviticus, R. Kelli, Missy Kelliot... uhm. others. :x
Names and ages of siblings?: Derek, 19
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?: 16
Date that you regularly blow them out?: 5-16
Pets?: 2 Dogs, Indy and Mo, and a cat, Tiger.
Height?: 5'5" or 5'6"
Eye color?: Green
Hair color?: Dark brown
Piercing(s): 2 in each earlobe

* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . . *

Where do you want to live?: England, but it's so far from family and friends.
How many kids do you want?: 2
What kind of job do you want?: Psychologist.
Do you want to get married?: Yes

* . . . W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . . *

2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4
Coffee or ice cream?: Ice cream
Shampoo or conditioner?: Shampoo
Bridges or tunnels?: Tunnels
One pillow or two?: 2, at least.

* . . . W O R D A S S O C I A T I O N . . . *

(first thing that comes to mind)

Rock?: paper scissors
Green?: trees
crying?: baby
Peanut?: dog
Roses?: love
Summer?: hot
Winter?: snuggly

* . . . F A V O R I T E S . . . *

Salad dressing?: Ranch
Color of socks?: white :3
Food?: all kinds
Toothbrush?: iunno :x
Alcoholic drink?: none
Non-alcoholic?: coke :3
Favorite Cartoon character: I guess Jack Skellington. :x
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