a normal sunday night.

Jan 23, 2005 23:28

ashley and i got some jewish chocolates right?

then we realized that we love the jews.

just thinking about our jewish boys made us hungry. RAWR

then ash was like "OMG lets hit em up on their cellz!!#$#"

and they were like "youR totaLLy hawt!!"
... so we swooned in chocolatey goodness...


so out of no where this ninja bitch [aka our little sister] showed up and crashed our haunakaaka...

dont worry kids.. ashley is skilled in the art of tykwondo?


we couldn't calm her so the only thing left to do was stone her...

then things got a little out of hand...
dinosaur much?

ashley thought she was in a dance club..

the ninja finally realized the chocolatey goodness and joined the jew force...

the end?

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