Aug 18, 2009 11:15
Mornings weren't something that Schuyler liked, even if they weren't true mornings. On a ship there was no sun rising and falling, but there was simulated day and night and unfortunately Schuyler found she still disliked mornings even when they were simulated.
Entering the mess hall she went straight for the food, something that resembled bacon and eggs along with toast, and then lunged for the coffee. She would feel more sane after coffee, this she knew, and so scooped up the full cup. Balancing everything the concentrated on gliding across the floor, hoping she wouldn't trip.
She made it to a table and with a grin of victory she sat down, and poured sugar and milk into the coffee before lifting it to her lips and sipping. A heartfelt sigh of pleasure followed and she smiled blissfully. She felt better already.
timeline: day 03,
location: mess hall,
character: uhura,
character: cavendish,
!nonmission post,
character: scott,
character: mccoy