Sickbay/Science Lab - Day 5, Late Alpha Shift (private)

Aug 20, 2009 07:16

"We're on a five year mission, damnit. That don't mean we take the entire damn time just waitin' for a report. What the hell is keeping those peptide analyses, Zosto?" The third rotation nurse -- filling in for the alpha shift regular -- blanched and stammered apologies and excuses. Well, at least he guessed it was a blanch. Hard to tell around the molting. Great, now the Sickbay lab was a mess again. No wonder he kept Zosto on third rotation.

"Nevermind. I'll see to it myself. Just... go check if all emergency equipment is properly charged and on standby." It should be. He'd had Stetsen do the same beginning of shift. Too many damn people in his hair right now. Zosto almost literally took flight out of there. Was just as well.

Leonard sighed before sliding his chair over to a computer terminal. He needed the detailed findings of an analysis on several new alien species to support the conclusions of his report. There'd be no way Spock would write off on his proposal without data to back it. Damn tight-assed Vulcan. He'd filed the requested analysis yesterday with Xenobiology and had been assured they'd have it ready today. He'd checked on it this morning. It was still supposedly on schedule. He'd have it soon enough. They understood the importance of the data to him.

Then why the hell was he still waiting?

He stabbed the comm button. "Sickbay to Science Lab 2. McCoy here. Where is my peptide report?" he asked with the strained politeness of only the truly peeved.

character: cavendish, !nonmission post, location: med bay, character: mccoy, timeline: day 05

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