Someone made a Joke today that surprisingly hit me like a good kick to the liver..
IE, it hurt me, made me feel sick, and triggered some deep thinking within myself {except, instead of thinking about how to block said kick, it was what the joke meant... like, really meant}Someone said, I won't go into the whole conversation, but
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Comments 15
You hate people who hate. Your a Bigot(Squared). B2.
Also, you're a sexist. Just sayin'. Not a horrible guy but sexist. Totally.
And I'm a realist... not a sexist.
And you are right, thank you.
He was a douche bag anyway...
So, yea...
Looking forward to seeing you soon...
--JOHN out.
And, for the record, it would be a pretty good laugh to listen to John talk about being against people who discriminate if it weren't so sad. You're a sexist, John. And, just so you know, the statement "I'm not a sexist, I'm a realist" reeks of asshole.
John isn't sexist, he just makes it a point to point out the raw physical difference between men and women. I don't remember him ever saying that women are inferior or that men are superior... ever. I do remember him saying "women can't do x as good as men" and technically speaking, the Y chromosome predisposes men to be better at certain things than women... the genetic difference doesn't stop at the penis/vagina differential.
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