Howdy folks !
First of all, sorry, I didn't get to post pictures from Krakow as promised, kept forgetting then I was busy but I will post for sure when I get back from my trip to Germany that starts TOMORROW !!!! HELL TO THE YEAHHHH!
So, yeah, tomorrow, Thursday 14th of July, we (me and my mom) are going to Germany for 2 weeks. We'll be visiting Nuremberg, Heidelberg ,Garmish-Partenkirchen and Berchtesgaden. Hopefully we'll have nice weather ,especially during our stay in the last 2 places which are basically mountain resorts.
I can't wait ! Our flight leaves tomorrow around 1pm ,the flight is short, just under 2hrs, to Munich and then a 1hr train ride to Nuremberg. This also means I'll be back on my vacation diet which basically means lots of beer!
Part deux of this post is a pretty guy post ! Here u have some gifs of a guy called Otto Skorzeny . Not going to get into details but he was a sort of James Bond type in the sense that he did some secret operations (including, for ex, kidnapping Mussolini) and was generally totally badass. He was, btw, not convicted of any crimes and dies in his late 60s in Madrid.
The gifs are from a video showing part of an interrogation .