Who: Dean, Mirror!Dean, Mirror!Philip and Philip (Now with 100% more surprise!Castiel!)
Where: Deans' rooms and Philip's love shack humble abode
When: April 3rd
Rating: Gasp! Dare I go as low as PG-13 for language and verbal sleaze only? Of course not. They're at it again. Think R-ish.
Summary: It's time for realside!Dean to meet his Mirror and his Mirror's plus one. Later realside!Philip is treated to the same privilege...
The Story:
Phil is dressed for the occasion. Dressed for the occasion meaning that he is dressed at all, sporting trainers, a pair of jeans and
a shirt perfect for the ball.
Lying on the couch he isn't paying too much attention to the open passage between both sides yet. Instead he watches the cigarette smoke above him, waiting for Dean (his Dean) to get ready so they can both cross.
"Hey, you think we should bring the cat?"