Who: Dave and Santana, later Terezi
Where: Somewhere in the halls
When: Afternoon of the 9th
Rating: M for language, probably T overall
Summary: Santana notices things that Dave doesn't like her noticing. And then Terezi shoves the guy in a locker.
The Story:
Dave wasn't entirely sure why he was out and about in the halls when there were jerks jocks on the loose, causing mass mayhem and loser-wide panic. At least Kurt, John, and Rose weren't on the bully side of the playground. Okay, that was lame. He'd need to work on that one.
He had passed Kurt at one point, but honestly didn't have a deep conversation. It was more like an exchange of greetings while trying to find a bomb shelter from the slushie facials. Granted, he got to see some nice Hummel ass. That was it, though. Nothing to write in a diary about.
Actually, it was kind of eerie. Dave hadn't seen many jocks around the halls, doing their dickwad thing to other losers.