Vriska: Wonder what the hell's going on

Dec 19, 2011 18:13

Who: Vriska and OPEN
Where: The mansion and Alternia (please specify in comments)
When: Early Monday
Rating: PG-13 for now?
Summary: Vriska chooses a fine time to show up in Wonderland.
The Story:

[Vriska wakes up outside in the snow, close to the rift. She looks confused and more than a little pissed. Whatever happened just before she got here, it obviously wasn't good. As she stands, she seems to be casting about for...well, it's hard to tell but she's obviously after something. And she'll probably figure out the way to the rift from watching others - none of whom she really recognises, as far as she can tell - make their way there]

[Once she finds the rift, she'll venture into the warped version of Alternia. To begin with, this is a relief to her - somewhere she recognises, which means it must be a memory of someone she knows. Though she's not sure why it's winter, exactly, or why she can't seem to find anyone but hey, no Spidermom to feed so she'll just explore for now. Any other Alternians or their visitors feel free to find her]
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