+ New Event Submission Rules +

Apr 16, 2011 21:45

Hey everyone! ♥

After much discussion and some planning, we've come up with some new guidelines for event submissions. They can be found at the event submission page. Everyone should go and take a look, but the salient changes are as follows:

♥ There is now a limit on the number of events any one mun can have in queue at a time, based on the number of characters that mun has. If you already have over your maximum number of events in the queue, don't worry! This rule only applies to events submitted after April 1.

♥ All characters must be able to participate in every event to some extent. This includes events with mature content. Some muns may not be comfortable with that and there must be some alternative way for them to participate. The recent rave event is a good example: the candy and its effects were obviously a mature theme, but the change in the environment allowed everyone some way to participate.

♥ If for whatever reason we need to ask you to completely resubmit your event, you'll have only one opportunity for resubmission. If for we have to reject your event the second time, you will lose your slot in the queue.

♥ For the purposes of a mod-plot that began with the recent fourth wall event, we will be combining some events. A question about this has been added to the event submission form and we may be approaching some of you who already have events in about participating in this plot. No one will be forced to combine an event: participation is voluntary. There will be more information on why this is occurring presented later.

These changes are being instituted to make events fairer and more fun for all players. Check out the post for more specifics and comment here with any questions! ♥

Also, don't forget about the HMD that's up!

mod post

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