+ Obligatory Info and Plotting Post +

Jun 01, 2011 15:45

As you probably noticed, the Cheshire Cat just announced an event, and I realize that there might be some questions about certain aspects of it. So in addition to being a plotting post, I'll use this space to explain some potentially confusing parts of the event.

First, the branch of sin: this is the power that all Deadmen have to weaponize their blood. Having your character manifest a branch of sin is voluntary and is primarly there to make things a bit fairer and to help those characters who don't know how to fight and/or have no powers to help them get a piece of candy.

There are two important things to consider when choosing a branch of sin for your character:

1) Each branch of sin is unique; there aren't duplicate manifestations. So if one character's branch of sin allows him to be able to shoot bullets made of blood, no other character would be able to reproduce this power. No one will be penalized in the event for duplicating--this is just to urge you to be creative!
2) More importantly, a branch of sin can only manifest in one form. So if you decide to give your character the power to turn her blood into a whip, she can't turn around and use it as a shield later on. That being said, the power can still be versatile, so again, be creative!

For some ideas, here are some examples of different branches of sin.

While obtaining candy requires that one win a fight, there is no limit on the number of pieces of candy one can get. That is, for every win, a character will get a piece of candy. What they do with this candy is up to them--they can share it, hoarde it, or sell it. Totally your call.

This will allow for some characters who, even with the addition of a branch of sin, might not be able or willing to fight. For instance, if Yukino is too chicken or too inexperienced to win a fight, she might ask her friend Gokudera to do it for her, and he can give the candy he wins to her.

Finally, if characters try to fake a fight because they don't want to hurt each other, the Cheshire Cat will know. He knows everything. And cheaters don't get candy. >(

With all that said, please use this post for plotting purposes and ask any additional questions in the Q&A thread! ♥

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