The chess game is over and Tweedledum's Mirror team has won! As soon as checkmate is declared, all remaining real things vanish from the chessboard, while all of the captured Mirrors return, fully healed of any wounds. They are informed that they have won the game and will be awarded their prize tomorrow. Then they, too, vanish from the board.
Until the following morning, these sixteen participants in the chess game are incommunicado. Where are they? It's not that important until Tuesday morning. However, members of the Black team will wake up in their own rooms, completely healed of any chess-related wounds.
On Tuesday, characters on the real side will wake up feeling that something isn't quite right. This feeling persists over the next few days until, by Friday, they will have realized its source (some of them more quickly than others).
What is wrong is this: some of their friends and castmates have been replaced by their Mirror counterparts. At first, all characters will believe that these replacements are the real things. However, the longer they are around these Mirror replacements, the more they realize that their behavior and personalities clash with actual memories of the individuals. For instance, a character might remember being very good friends with someone--so their sudden distant behavior, which at first seemed normal, doesn't make much sense.
You've probably guessed it by now, but the replacement real things are the sixteen Mirrors from the White chess team. Although they remember that they used to be Mirrors, they now believe that they are the real things and that they always will be the real things. Since everyone else's mentality has been altered to accommodate them, this assumption is only logical, right?
As for the sixteen real things that were replaced? They're stuck on the other side of the mirrors, of course. They know what's happened and probably can't understand why all of their friends think those impostors are them. However, for the moment, they're powerless to do anything about it.
The sixteen humans from the Black chess team remain on the normal side of the mirrors and are free to go about their lives normally--or as normally as they can with sixteen not-Mirrors running around, thinking they're real. (The exception is Minato and Hanna, because their mirrors were in the game with them, and therefore they will be switched.)
Questions and plotting can be done by replying to this post. Everyone should feel free to continue tagging on the Chess Game log, which is
here. Look for a post by the Queen on Friday to wrap up the event.
Edit: Herp derp, I forgot to explain how posting will work. Mirror characters who are on the real side will post in their real version's journal, but responses to comments should be made using the mirror character's journal. Real characters who are on the Mirrorside will post in
mirroruniverse during the time they're there. If your character isn't a member of the comm, put in a request and we'll get to it right away.