The event is officially over now, and everyone should be back on their original sides! But here's a quick recap for anyone who wasn't here, or got a little lost, because plot things happened!:
Tweedledee and Tweedledum decided to have a chess match and petitioned the Queen, who said yes because she was sure they would draw, making it win-win for her because she wouldn't have to give out prizes! She let them
have their pick of Real Things and Mirrors and told them that Real Things get an extra life if they win and the Mirrors get to become Real Things forever if they win. Awesome!
they had the chess match and everyone involved kicked a lot of ass (including some of the people in the stands!). The Mirrors won, which kind of sucked for the Real Things, and so the chess game Mirror-versions
became the real versions of those characters and it was a little confusing for everyone involved! Everyone thought it was normal at first, but then they started to notice that their friends were being kind of weird and more like their mirro-OH MY GOD.
Just as everyone was starting to figure out was was going on, the Queen decided this prize is awful and
turned all of the Mirrors back to normal and dragged them home. It's not very fair to the Mirrors, but who cares? They're Mirrors, they don't have feelings and stuff. /Sarcasm. And this couldn't possibly connect to another event in the future. Nope. Pay no attention to the text behind the strike-out.
I also wanted to make this post to apologize for closing it so late when we said it would close Friday - that was my bad; I thought I'd be here to post for the Queen last night. : ( But hey, you got an extra day out of it, right? /o/
Finally, we hope everyone had fun with this event! We'd been wanting to do a Human Chess match here for a really long time, and we're really glad it went so well. ♥
~ Koji