The event is officially over now, and everyone should be back on their original sides! But here's a quick recap for anyone who wasn't here, or got a little lost, because plot things happened!:
Can I just say, huge thank you to the mod team for putting this together? It's been my favourite event so far and I'm looking forward to seeing the consequences of what happened.
This event was amazing. ♥ Thank you so much for being so organized about it, mods. Much love. ^-^ I love how the chess match fit in with the theme of Wonderland at all. Perfect. ^^
What is this business with the strike-out text? /suspicious forever XD
I'm with Rhi and Tian on this one! You all did such a wonderful job in organizing this event, and I couldn't have been happier with how smoothly it was all played out.
And I can't wait to see what happens in the future concerning this chess game! <3
Comments 5
What is this business with the strike-out text? /suspicious forever XD
And I can't wait to see what happens in the future concerning this chess game! <3
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