Random insights

Aug 29, 2008 11:32

This entry will have insights into a few things: the new baby, returning to work, my return from the "dark side", and the cockatiel.

1. The new baby

So I'm having another baby in January. Some people know, most don't. But regardless, its making its presence known to me and Mike. I finally got to see the doctor after months of paperwork being handled (its the state's fault, not the doc's!) and its good to see her again. Like Addison, Dr. McCormack has this happy personality. She joked when I entered her office about me having twins. "Hahahaha, no!" I replied to that. Hell, I have a two year old already who's destroying everything, and I still worry about how I'm supposed to go out and do errands in a two door coupe with a newborn and a 2 and a half year old...in the dreaded Chicago winter! Then comes the thought of me trying to go grocery shopping when they don't have enough seats in the cart for a toddler and a baby carrier. And then the thought of helplessness rears its ugly head. I just might have to spend the first few months tucked away warm in the apartment until the spring arrives, like a bear does in the wild. Back to the visit: she took me in to the exam room and stuck the doppler to my belly to hear the baby's heartbeat (and I say baby becuz there was only one heartbeat) for the first time. It was strong, like Aizzie's and I had some worry taken from me that day. However, I made the mistake of doing the ultrasound too early, so now I have to go back again. The ultrasound was amazing to watch (as usual) as the baby first made its appearance. I had been afraid that it had missing limbs or organs becuz I hadn't been able to eat as much since I moved out from my parents (and the fact that I'm not working at McDonald's this pregnancy). But all limbs were accounted for, as well as a brain, heart, kidneys and bladder. I got to see the heart work, the valves opening and closing like wings on a bird. When we tried to look for the sex of the baby, we weren't able to find out much since the baby had its legs crossed and wouldn't let us see (my dad said that it must not be a boy then lol). Becuz we did see anything "dangling" as the tech put it, we're leaning towards a girl. Chalk up one more girl for our family (and another girl for Clan Finley [my blood family]). Her name shall be Kaitlyn Addison Jung, if indeed she is a girl. The next day, we were eating dinner and Kaitlyn kicked hard enough that it almost hurt. I lifted my shirt to reveal my belly and her movements were visible beneath the skin. (Imagine a cat or small dog under bedsheets for a visual representation) I told Mike who sat next to me and he quickly set his hand on my stomach and as if on cue, Kaitlyn kicked his hand.

2. Returning to work!

So many emotions come to mind when I think of work. Some good, like "I'm going to make money" but mostly bad, like "UGH! I'm going to have to deal with brats all day!" I've been called back to work for the portrait studio for the Christmas Season. I didn't get to really work the last Christmas since I was working for Target (the best job ever!) with some real hours, unlike the studio. I don't know how to handle the Christmas rush...and I hear that my boss is quitting for JCPenney's studio, so I may just apply at Target again to get out of working for the studio. I have other posts on the subject of working as a photographer in a studio in my journal, check them out if you wish.

3. Returning from the "dark side"

I refer last week as going to the dark side, as a joke from my friend Dani, who was one of the first to worry about my sudden shift from bubbly to dark, twisty, and antisocial. You can say I was there technically; I was blinded by fear, sadness and rage and nothing better to do than sit in my apartment, cry, and scream at myself. But all it took was a phone call, and I started to see again. I was lured back to the light and here I am: pretty happy, tho not as bubbly as before. These things take time and hopefully soon I'll be back to my more bubbly self.

4. Tooki, my cockatiel.

I've never mentioned my pet. His name is Tooki and he's a cockatiel (some might know him as "calopsita") He is the first bird I've ever had (I don't count the first cockatiel Toki, cuz he was mean and drew blood from a bite. He found himself returned in less than two weeks) and he's loads of fun. He sings songs, says his name "Tooki ooki ooki oooooki", wolf whistles and loves to be petted. He'll actually cry (whistle loudly) for attention and asks to be petted by bowing his head. I love my Tooki, he's a great companion and animal friend, who also poops too much!

Here are links to the sonogram pics:
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