I don't know if its because I'm older or if I'm noticing it more now that I am living on my own, but I have realized something: The World SUCKS!
1. The economy, Washington DC, and people are shit. Not all people, but so many are. Watching the news is like watching America being tortured slowly with papercuts. The "ecomony did this", the "bailout will do that"...I'm just sick of it! I know of a few people that thought that the "messiah Obama" would fix the economy, but alas, stocks are still falling. I didn't get my seasonal job with Target like I was planning because they are cutting back. How am I supposed to spend if I don't have a job? And how can they give me job when no one's spending?? Its a vicious cycle that most of America is suffering with. Mike and I decided to not use our heat unless it gets below 10 degrees outside to save money on electricity. God invented sweaters for that reason, right?
2. As for people being shit, I've been observing the other tenants of the apartment complex. The neighbor below us gets into yelling matches with her two sons (who are old enough to be on their own) and her voice hits high enough decibels to pierce the floor. I sometimes open my windows to cool down the apartment, and either she starts screaming at someone outside, or more commonly, one of her sons lights up a cigarette right below my balcony. The smoke gets into my house and it makes me sick. The sons constantly slam doors hard enough to cause the walls to shake. And finally, the mom is too lazy to walk her dog (she claims this dog is part boxer, but you can tell he's most definately part pit bull), so when he has to go she walks him to the back access door (the same one my family uses to go to the office or for walks), lets the dog out on his leash, and she remains inside so that the dog only has maybe 5 feet of area to do his shit (no pun intended). This means that often times he craps on the outside landing. This wouldn't be an issue, except for the fact she doesn't pick it up! Aislynn and I almost stepped in it the other night.
Most of the other tenants are good: they are quiet and don't bother anyone. Don't get me wrong, the neighbors downstairs are nice, but I could do without the loudness. I do have other stories of lameness at the complex: like the black boy who stares at me angrily anytime I look at him, even if I am glancing out the window to check the weather, the teenage punks who tend to break the playground equipment, and the gray Pontiac Grand Prix that randomly has its alarm go off at all hours, even at 2 AM. It usually takes two minutes to have someone shut it off. UGH!
3. I've realized that I can't have an opinion without getting attacked for it. Twilight, for example. I read the first and second books, but can't and will never finish the third, and refuse to even touch the fourth. At first I liked them...but then I realized that its nothing more than glorified FanFic. It also teaches women that its ok to be in an abusive relationship...nice. My littlest sister, who is almost 15 is going to see Twilight: DA MOVIE at midnight....loser! Everytime I see a commercial, a part of me dies. Whenever anyone talks about those hellish books I want to hit them with a crowbar. Enough is enough, idiots! Stop pushing this horseshit "literature" onto kids. Guess what everyone, Edward and Jacob are both pedophiles!! Jacob is a borderline rapist and Edward sabotages Bella so she can't see her friends...what lovely characters for people to know. And Bella is a fucking emo fucktard thats too weak to leave precious Edward. Oh and I'll never get over the fact that asshat Stephanie Meyer made her vampires to be fangless and that sparkle in the sunlight. Give me a fucking break! I'd rather meet a real vampire who explodes in the sun.
Another thing that bothers me has to do with Grey's Anatomy. They got rid of the lesbian Dr. Hahn and replaced her for the time being with Super Autistic Doctor Lady!! I am so sick of the fucking "we must have diversity" shit that Grey's is trying to shove down my throat. But wait, I guess its not PC to have a fully gay character. But its ok to have a socially retarded lady? I never had problems with different races, but seriously, why aren't there more Indian/Hindu doctors? There are so many of them in the medical field, yet they have never appeared on the show. Cristina's asian, Callie's hispanic, Burke, Webber, and Bailey are black...and everyone else is white. Are there any Indians? NO. But anyway, there are most races covered so GA can be diverse. But nooooo, its not diverse enough says GA, now we need to bring on a doctor that's sooooo annoying it makes Dr. Sydney Heron seem quiet. But when I say she's annoying as hell, I get corrected and told, "You can't say that she's got a disability". Tough titties, she's annoying, I don't care if she's got a problem or not. And I guess that I'm not the only one to think so since I'm talked to a lot of people who agree. If they decide to keep Dr. Dixon on the show, I will not watch it. At least I still have Private Practice to fall back on, you know, the show without annoyances?
4. A good note (finally): We now have a kitten in the family. Her name is Nubbins. She is a brown tabby Manx. For those who don't know what a Manx is, its a cat that has no tail, or a stumpy one, as is Nubbins' case. She went to the vet today for her first exam and shots so she's really sleepy. Nubbins enjoys sleeping on our laps, and also bolting up and down the hallway. When I get pictures, I'll post them to show off this cutie.