Jan 04, 2007 01:19

Just because I've had a recent overhaul of my userpics and because I'm anal like this...

Round 1:

By: unknown, unknown, unknown, stolemyworld, simsi, simsi

Round 2:

By: harvesterj88, noellesan, tybone, theworshipper, hollywoodgrrl, twoonefour

Round 3:

By: entrophe, jetmeiko, vickix, fadedwhitehats, the_world_of_me, sarcasm_attack

Round 4:

By: entrophe, abernathi, things_imagined, lu_thien, duskwillow, miss_newyork@love_square

Round 5: here.

Round 6: here.

Round 7:

By: elena_hepburn@magique_icon, stolenwings, aliasledger, turquoisetumult, paniclover4life, sneaky_elephant

Round 8:

By: wannabeimmortal, twilightt_lovee, cenup, poupa, collapsingnight, elv_graphics


lj, visuals

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