A few recent photos-- A rainbow scarab beetle, a bunch of face masks and a warbler.
Rescued this one from drowning a few days ago- the long 'horn' shows that this is not just a male, but he's one of a subset that gets extra *ommph*. I bet the ladies admire him.
And this is my most recent batch of face masks-- 11 went to friends/family/my mail carrier, the other 44 went to a family health care center that MakeMasks assigned to me.
And this is, I think, a Prairie Warbler. I'd seen warblers on occasion, but mostly they were either Pine or Palm warblers-- and this doesn't quite look like either of them. Supposedly, it's not a bird I should see where I am- it should be miles away in a more wild setting, with mangrove trees. But hey, it's got perfectly good wings, it could have cruised over to my yard.
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