Name/Nickname(s): Charlene, but I go by either C-chan, or any variation on my usernames.
Age: 16 17 18~! God this journal has been in use that long?
Country: USA
Likes: Roleplaying, HTML & CSS, a big vocabulary, science, social studies/history, literature and language arts, easy math, succeeding, feeling positive, not hurting, music, writing, making icons, drawing, dreaming, a good philosophical argument, things requiring the sharpening of one's mind, silliness, anime, her PS2, Xbox 360, and Wii, Dressing Room RPs, the month of December, xmas, love, world peace, nonviolence, freedom of speech, democracy now! kind of television programs/stations, world wildlife federation & conservation, measures against global warming, the colors black and white or purple, RPGs, sour candy, milk chocolate, orange cream anything, diet Dr. Pepper, vanilla soy milk, toast, frogs, stuffed animals, anything too cute for it's own good, being of free mind when it comes to religion, escaping yourself, dusk, stars (as in the ones in the night sky), poetry, and the seasons winter & fall.
Dislikes: Doctors, her state, Armageddon prophecies, the fact she can't use textareas in LJ profiles, how empty InsaneJournal is, freezing programs, her taskbar being out of a certain order, being called selfish, people who run in half-cocked and simply pull the trigger; rudeness, crude humor taken too far, criticism, being crit'd in general (though I still take it ;;), borders on icons idk either I totally deal with this now rly, racism of any kind, judgment of any kid, wank, yelling, bitching, and many other things.
What do you do?: Well... mostly, I make icons and banners. I also draw, write, sing, and do many other things, but the drawing portion is only for AU and fun for myself. The icons, however, are for my accounts.
... Or at least, they were. I've finally decided to open up my icon journal so people can share my work, due to some nudging from some really good friends. ♥
Why the username "Enuringly?": Because a) it's not going to be used (did you know Inuringly isn't taken or purged, either at the time of my writing this?), and b) I like unique usernames that fit my character or myself and purpose for using them. :D
... Well, okay. But why not do like most people and use something like "Lhunar_icons"?: Because... that's just too obvious!
And it's already made now, it's all mine, and no one is getting one of my favorite words! Mwahahahaha!
... Right. So why aren't you making a graphics comm or joining one, again...?: Y-you're KIDDING, right? I'm WAY too shy for that. XD;;
But if you have time, my friend
pocketmolecule decided to make a comm just for me and her, it's called
narrante~! Why not give us a look?
Zankoku_digital, which is... run by another friend, though I don't know if she still maintains it.
How about friending you...? Sure, that's fine! If you really liked my icons, you're welcome to do so. Just be sure to friend not this journal, but
narrante. By which I mean watch & join, folks! If you like it, it's not hard. At least remember to comment~!
... And I don't want people friending this unless it's solely for the icons, so don't do it just to do it, unless you really mean it.
That way I know for sure if my stuff is... actually being seen. >>;; And that aside, this journal isn't solo anymore, but I'm leaving the icons in here as they are (I still think they're god awful, but...), in case people want to use them.
That's about it for the tall short about me, the owner of the journal. I hope you find it helpful, or decide to help me yourself~ You don't have do anything for my icons aside from credit me--that's not too hard! Credit
enuringly in the "comments" portion when you upload userpics, yeah? If you like my stuff, you're free to comment or watch this journal, but I won't be posting icons here anymore: those go to
narrante, and watch us if you like what you see! ♥ Have a nice day!