Application: Omphalotus

Nov 06, 2009 18:16

NAME(S): Princess Midna of the Twilight
CANON & TIMELINE: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; Post-Game
AGE: 23

Midna is extravagantly tall, well over 6’ and likely closer to 7’ (when not in her imp form), like the others of the Twili race. Her limbs are long and her form slender, making her comparison to a human (or a Hylian) remarkably apparent in difference. Her skin tone is separated by particular segments, one of which is black, and the other a blue-grey. Like the other Twili, Midna has at least on one region of her body, intricate designs that follow the circumference of her thigh. The markings are in likeness with the architecture and design of various beings and monuments in the Twilight Realm. A stark contrast to her body, Midna has radiantly red-orange hair with noticeably lighter ends. Although she constantly wears it beneath her hood and cloak, the length of her hair in the back is likely longer than what it is in the front, so that she's capable of grasping onto various things. Like her hair, her eyes are mainly a red-orange and surrounded by yellow sclera, simply one more thing that causes her to stand out.

Her attire is fine representation of her origin, a cloak of black and a skirt, a headpiece that resembles some form of tiara, and an intricately designed hairpiece. One may not notice it from a first glance, but there's a surprising lack of clothing, pleasantly disguised by her differing skin tones. It's not touched upon, but there are various symbols on her apparel that indicate some form of connection to the Sheikah, although she herself, doesn't seem to acknowledge this or elaborate. As a result, it would seem her apparel is not considered out of the ordinary for where she comes from.

Midna can be a woman of extremes, depending on circumstance and those she's associated with. She's not the sort of person who represses her thoughts. She says what she feels and believes needs to be expressed and tends to do so without tact. Her ability to be straight forward can cause her to come across as intimidating or at times a little too headstrong. Often times in order to acquire her desired outcome, Midna will resort to deception and blackmail, knowing that if she uses the right words or twists the situation to her benefit, she'll succeed. More than capable of taking advantage of other people and feeling little remorse for it, Midna doesn't seem to understand what the definition of "selfish" is, or that things she says or does can be contrived as such. If she is aware, then it may be that she doesn't care.

Given that she was more likely chosen as the ruler of the Twilight Realm, she may suffer from a vague superiority complex. She seems to genuinely care for her people (aside from obvious exceptions) and what benefits them the most, even if she does not come forth and simply admit it. Midna simply appears to present herself in a way that any tenderness she experiences is meant to be inconspicuous or shown in unexpected mannerisms. Unorthodox as a ruler, while she carries herself with grace and eloquence, there's a cynical nature that stains her demeanor. In comparison to Princess Zelda, Midna may not be as understanding or likable, due to her behavior that can sometimes border "rude" and "disrespectful." If given the proper motivation or incentive, however, she can gladly show her sincerity in her actions and her colloquial speech.

Toward opposition, Midna is ruthless. She can turn from a sarcastic and cynical being into one filled with loathing and abhorrence. Again, this may depend on the severity of the situation, but if she is directly threatened, any potential compassion dissipates and she's only more than willing to go to any lengths to defend herself. She doesn't appear to have any particular outlook on war, but it seems that the Twili are a mainly peaceful people. In consequence, it would be safe to assume that betrayal could be considered an excruciating action, one that could be worthy of exile.

Born into the race of Twili, it is thought that Midna's ancestors were known as the Dark Interlopers, beings who attempted to harness the power of the Triforce. Their plans thwarted by the three goddesses of Hyrule, they were banished to the Twilight Realm and over time the Dark Interlopers evolved into the people that came to be known as the Twili. Losing the desire to take control of the Triforce, they eventually became peaceful beings and grew accustomed to their life in the land of the Twilight.

It seems implied that the ruler of Twilight is chosen by her people rather than something that is passed down through family line. At the time to choose a leader, it came down to Zant, a servant to the Twili Royal Family, and Midna. Zant was overlooked due to his nature and behavior that threatened the Twili's way of life. As a result, Midna was selected as the Twilight Princess and Zant went into a rage. Using the abilities he was bestowed by Ganondorf, who'd been condemned to a life in the Twilight Realm by the Ancient Sages, Zant placed a curse upon Midna, turning her into an imp-like creature, and took her position by force, putting into motion to move his sights beyond that of the Twilight and onto the Realm of Light.

Stuck in her imp form, she crossed paths with Link, a young man from Ordon Village, who had been pulled into the Twilight Realm and transformed into a wolf. In return for freeing him from the prison she found him in as well as helping him regain his true form, she demanded for him to help her reclaim the Fused Shadow, an artifact that held immensely powerful shadow magic. By obtaining that item, she believed Zant could be defeated, she could return to being a Twili, and take her rightful place upon the Twilight Realm's throne.

Through a sequence of being exposed to light, something that those of the Twilight Realm must avoid, Midna and Link crossed paths with Princess Zelda, who explained how Link could return to being Hylian. She offered her powers to Midna and by doing so saved her from an almost certain death. At that point, Midna chose to return the favor and changed her focus to not only saving the Twilight Realm, but also the Realm of Light. With Link, she pursued the long trail to acquiring the pieces of the Mirror of Twilight, the real artifact that would put Zant away for good and hopefully return Midna to her Twili form. Instead, she came to learn that in order to destroy Zant and bring peace back to the two realms, Ganondorf, the Gerudo responsible for Zant's abilities, would need to be eliminated.

In her personal battle with Ganondorf, it was assumed that she had died, however, instead she managed to regain her true form and explained that the Mirror of Twilight was what bonded the Twilight Realm to the Realm of Light. She parted ways with Link and although she stated she would see him again, she broke the Mirror of Twilight, therefore negating the possibility and implying that she and Link would not cross paths in the future.

It may not be the best skill to have, but Midna knows how to use herself to get what she wants. She knows that from prior experience, most of the time she simply needs to bat her eyelashes, offer some words that force the predicament to her benefit, and all the treasures of the world could be hers. Well, it's an exaggeration, but she certainly isn't bad at expending deception to acquire her way. Aside from that, Midna has a variety of magical abilities, thanks to her background as a Twili. Among these, she's capable of creating Twilight portals, which is a form of transporting Twilight matter out of absolutely nowhere, as well as a use of transporting herself (and Link when he's in wolf form). It allows her to draw something from the Twilight Realm into the Realm of Light, or wherever she may happen to be, assuming she can create the Twilight Portal in the first place. She's capable of moving objects by way of telekinesis, although it seems she would rather use her hair to grab onto various objects. Midna has some other power over the locks of orange and seems capable of solidifying them to use them as potential weaponry. Like the Twilight matter that she can conjure from the Twilight Realm, Midna can also transform herself into matter to pass through solid objects. By using the Fused Shadow, which in itself already amplifies her magical abilities, she can turn into a creature of the Twilight, although that appears to be more a last resort tactic than anything she'd prefer to use. She can do some other smaller things and has the ability to detect energy waves and things of that nature.

Midna's greatest downfall is likely a combination of her excessive confidence (and likely vanity) as well as her inability to admit her mistakes and wrong doings. She does like to believe she's always right. She does view herself as being primarily more important than others. Even if she doesn't state it, she likely does view herself as being the center of the world, and if not that, then she would at least define herself as being a very important person. (In spite of this, she doesn't seem too keen on actually being referred to as her rightful title.) Physically, she's fragile, so in a situation where she can't use her magic, she'd be fairly defenseless. Although she was given the ability to withstand light, it's implied that Twilight dwellers cannot consort with those of the Realm of Light. Being out of the Twilight Realm will likely dampen Midna's skills and could even potentially make her a little more weary. She also has a very great sense of pride and can be quick to anger if she encounters some form of hostility toward either herself, something (or someone, as the case may be) that she deems hers, or her people. This anger can turn into quick irrationality, something that easily be used against her in the proper predicament.

Midna constantly wears her headpiece and also the lower hairpiece. She doesn't carry any particular pouches on her, likely because if she ever needs something, she simply creates a Twilight portal and has the requested item brought to her. Whether it is useful or not to her, she will bring the Fused Shadows for her own protection, and if she should need it, to turn into the arachnid creature of Twilight. She carries a small dark stone that Zant used to bind Link to his wolf form, and by using it, Link can be transformed. Otherwise, Midna will only bring with her what is on her immediate form and what she never chooses to part with.

She stepped carefully, thoughtful with regard to the feeling of the damp ground beneath her feet. When she finally stopped, she'd need to wash it all off. Link wouldn't let her touch him if she was covered in dirt. The environment was beautiful, though. It was dark, such a stark contrast to the Realm of Light. Midna preferred it in the caves. While she held no particular dislike for the radiant sun, it was difficult to withstand for long periods of time. Down beneath the ground, she didn't have to shelter herself from blinding light.

They glowed. Everything seemed to have a luminescence about it. That was one of Midna's favourite things about the caves. Aside from the sounds and the aesthetically pleasing environment, she took a strange gleeful delight in the architecture (or lack thereof). It was drastically different from the Twilight Realm. Of course she concerned over her people while she was apart from them, but she had a sense of faith that they'd be well in her absence. She could only worry so much, and with Ganondorf and Zant gone forever, the threats to the Twili had been quelled.

"This place is not as beautiful as the Twilight," she remarked in a knowing tone. "Yet it's not without merit." To give credit where it was due, it seemed inappropriate in any other fashion. "The colours are radiant and various, enough that when the eyes close, one can still see them. It leaves a permanent imprint in the mind. If one were to go home, he'd never forget this place." Wasn't that the nature of an environment? Wasn't that the point?

Midna paused in her footing. In the distance she could see the light coming from the sky. Even in the depths of the underground, the sun could reach down and touch the inhabitants. She most often avoided it. Something seemed different about it, however, so when her feet resumed their pace, she didn't quite understand what it was that propelled her. She didn't have anywhere else to go, however, and she had no other plans--even with the Hero of Light. That seemed justification enough for her, and that was all she needed.

[The sound of the mercury can be heard in the background, pooling together, never-ending, not quite a loud fountain, but enough that it's noticeable. Behind that is shuffling. Midna moves carefully, methodically, with logic staining her actions. This is typical for her, however. For as often as she seems irrational, she responds to situations and people in what she feels is appropriate and called for. A few more moments of adjusting and her voice comes through quite clear.]

Fascinating. Nothing like the Twilight. It seems advanced, like many of the things here. I didn't think I would leave the Twilight to find a place like this.

[She doesn't sound displeased. In fact, Midna seems to be... amused. That's less than surprising. She's entertained by everything in the caves, as long as it's not subject to direct sunlight. A brief splash and it appears she's dipped a delicate fingertip into the mercury fountain. It's withdrawn and a pause ensues.]

Hm. This place is just an eternal enigma. I'll be going to take a look around. I would not be against someone coming to accompany me.

♥ application

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