Domain was registered on April 15, 1999. The same year, the cult movie "The Matrix" was released, the 6 billionth inhabitant of the Earth was born in the city of Sarajevo, and Britney Spears' debut single Baby One More Time topped the world charts.
On April 15, 2021 LiveJournal turns 22 years old! LiveJournal celebrates its birthday
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Comments 6
I had a burnout and a hernia during that year and being at home and not able to do much might have contributed to signing up for a LJ account. So that's one good thing that I got out of that quite horrible year.
ETA: Hit the send too soon *rolls eyes at self*
I had been dragging my heels about any kin if social media untill that year, but the 4 (and two halves) person commitee I was on won the bid for running the 17th UK Filk Convention that year, and I suddenly needed more way of keeping in touch with people, especially as Hotel Coordinator.
Originally planned on this to prove a point to certain regulars about faults and things people were complaining about were because 'you have to let some things slide'. We didn't *preens*
Yes, at that time it certainly was.
So you didn't sign up for something related to fanfiction but to fan music?
I must admit I can't remember how I found out LJ exists. I was following The leaky cauldron site at that time and it might be possible they crossposted people in the HP fandom that where already on LJ.
Was the HP fandom also the reason for you to stay on LJ after your convention?
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