Title: Pancakes Pairing: Jonghyun/Onew Rating: PG -13 Genre: General/fluff Word Count: 2296 A/N: This took me FOREVER to write because of school. D: it's draining my life force, man!
LOLOLOLOL! I didn't expect taeminnie to do that! I thought he was going to get angry or something! It was actually cute! Really cute in fact! Jongyu is my original otp but Tofuho replaced it, but then again Tofuho is sort of hard to come by. Its mostly onkey, not that I mind though~! This fic had me smiling ahile reading. Jongyu snuggling under the covers on a snowy day is too cute for words. Its like sipping hot choco on a cold night!XDDD
Comments 28
ANDD i just can't stop smiling the whole time i was reading this~ ♥
good. smiling is good for you. 8D
thanks for reading~
I didn't expect taeminnie to do that! I thought he was going to get angry or something! It was actually cute! Really cute in fact! Jongyu is my original otp but Tofuho replaced it, but then again Tofuho is sort of hard to come by. Its mostly onkey, not that I mind though~! This fic had me smiling ahile reading. Jongyu snuggling under the covers on a snowy day is too cute for words. Its like sipping hot choco on a cold night!XDDD
thanks for reading.
&tofuho is the cutest name for a pairing. ever. LOL
and Taemin, not as innocent as he seems. XD
thanks for reading ~
ahh, my favorite pairings in SHINee. You just made my day :D
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