the thread is long, but it pretty much covers everything. if you want more hilarious comments and righteously pissed off people explaining themselves well, there's always the other 60 pages of coments on that entry to go through. plus some fantastic cat macros.
i will still read my flist and comment heartily if i can figure out a way to block the ads that free accounts see. i don't wnat to support this site in ANY way. should be fairly easy with Firefox, so don't go missing me just yet ;)
totally. i'll still be here reading comments and commenting, if you ever post again :) i'm just not paying of rit and i don't really want to be here. on IJ, i can syndicate most things, maybe ever your wordpress blog...we'll see.
i will, and the eofeed is up and running. it's's like hanging out at that one girl's house in elementary school where you know the GIRL liked you but her mom was convinced that all lesbians and gay and jewish people and asians and whatnot were evil thieving, child molesting, blahblahblah people she didn't want associating with her daughter and she let you play over there begrudgingly, but only while supervised and she always gave you that suspicious eye like you were about to rape her child or steal her silverware. and that's how LJ feels to me now and i just don't want to be here anymore, regardless of hw much i like everybody.
hopefully i can syndicate everything i need to onto IJ or GJ and i'll still come over here to comment and's freaking retarded. *le cries*
Comments 13
the thread is long, but it pretty much covers everything. if you want more hilarious comments and righteously pissed off people explaining themselves well, there's always the other 60 pages of coments on that entry to go through. plus some fantastic cat macros.
Although I've pretty much moved to wordpress these days anyway.
Bah to this psycho crap, eh?
hopefully i can syndicate everything i need to onto IJ or GJ and i'll still come over here to comment and's freaking retarded. *le cries*
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