[OOC] Profile

Jun 22, 2011 22:00

Name: Nyx
Personal Journal: minilovely
E-mail: Available upon request.
AIM/MSN/etc: gilded chrysanth [AIM]

Name: Ian Lavoie
Age: 22
The first thing most people notice about Ian is that he's really, really pretty. The details of this tend to sink in later, with first impressions generally boiling down to Oh, he should be a model. (There's a reason for this, I swear.) But putting that aside... Standing at 6' even, he has a build that manages to be both lean and broad-shouldered at once, with Ian looking very fit. His hair is strawberry blond, and his eyes are a pale green shade. His skin tends toward paleness slightly thanks to his coloration, but he doesn't burn horribly easy. He dresses in a style that's pretty average, bordering on boring--after all, he gets enough attention as it is without purposefully attracting more of it.
Chosen PB: Stas Svetlichnyy

In terms of personality, Ian is really average. There's nothing particularly exciting or mysterious about him-he's just your typical guy. A bit on the reserved side, he's the kind of person that prefers to keep to himself or hang out with a small group, and not just because his psychic empathy tends to overwhelm him when he's forced to deal with large crowds of people. With his hobbies including reading and cooking, he's an indoorsy, homebodyish kind of guy, preferring the safety of his comfort zones to going out of his way to try new or risky things. And he hates being the center of attention, something he has unfortunately had to learn to deal with in recent months.

Soft-spoken and possessing a gentle nature, Ian tends to be a little overly sensitive to others feelings even without his empathetic sense, meaning he easily bends to the whims of others. This, combined with his non-confrontational manner, results in him being more submissive than assertive. More emotional than logical, he feels things strongly, and though he usually tries to cover up the more negative of these feelings in order to avoid burdening others, his heart is worn on his sleeve more often than not. Despite being the type to cover up his own vulnerabilities, though, he's a good listener and tends to be deeply sympathetic when presented with the troubles of others.

Despite being a genuinely nice guy, though, he also has some shades of Nice Guy to his personality. His non-confrontational nature means that, rather than directly bring issues to the attention of the relevant parties, he simply becomes deeply passive-aggressive toward them. His sensitivity also means that he sometime takes things more personally than he should, and he has a tendency to blame his instances of less than chivalrous behavior (such as oogling women) on the simple fact that he's male. In other words, while he is an overall sweet guy, he's not without his faults.

World Information:
Ian comes from a world that mirrors modern day earth in all ways except one: any number of gods from various belief systems are not only demonstrably, provably real, but interact regularly with humans in the guise of mortals as well. Most people don't know of this, however; generally speaking, the only people privy to this information are the half-mortal, half-god offspring that are produced by the gods' blatant philandering.

But it's not just careless philandering that begets children, though that can be the reason. The gods generally think of their children as assets or chess pieces to be manipulated. There it something known as the divine focus floating around somewhere in the mortal world, and the god that possesses it would gain an immense amount of followers-and, consequently, an immense amount of power. Their offspring are viewed as a way to have extra eyes, ears, and hands in the mortal world during their search for this artifact.

Typically, these children live normal lives until their "visitation," where their parents reveal themselves to them and awaken their previously dormant divine nature. This visitation generally occurs around the time the child reaches adulthood, and usually involves the parent giving them some kind of gift to serve as a physical representation of them coming into their true nature. It is possible for a god that is not the child's biological parent to claim them; since their divinity prior to the visitation is only a seed, so to speak, they will take on traits of their adoptive parent as it begins to grow and blossom.

Because the offspring of these mortal/god unions don't come into their divinity all at once. It's a thing that gradually grows and changes, with the abilities granted by it evolving and strengthening with time. Oftentimes, it will eventually grow to a point where the children become gods in their own rights, but that's not something that's assured. A unique combination of factors is required for this to occur, which includes innate potential and individual desire/effort.

Ian is one of those divine children born from carelessness rather than calculated need for another pawn to use. His mother, Aphrodite, has no need or desire for the divine focus; she just likes fooling around, and a child is bound to happen after enough of that. So, that's how Ian came to be. He was abandoned at a hospital immediately after his birth and put up for adoption.

He was adopted at a young age by a middleclass family and lived a more or less normal childhood. He was always the reserved sort, but he still made a decent amount of friends growing up. He did well in school, and though he wasn't the most athletic, he was still reasonably coordinated and managed to avoid being the last person picked in gym class. The only thing that was really above average about him was his appearance, but even that didn't make him stand out too much. All in all, there was nothing to foreshadow the shocking revelation that would be dumped on him later in life.

And dumped on him it was. He was twenty years old and working part time when one night he came home to the apartment he shared with his friend Christy to find it had been invaded by a strange woman he had never seen before. She explained to him that she was his real mother, as well as the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Of course, Ian scoffed at this and threatened to call the police if she didn't leave, even after she gave him his gift-or perhaps especially after she game him his gift, seeing as it was a (magical) cat o' nine tails. In the end, she just laughed and left him, disappearing right before his eyes.

Even after that, he wasn't sure he had hallucinated the whole thing. It was only when he noticed the changes that he began to think the encounter might have really happened. For one thing, he noticed people had begun staring at him much more intently than normal. For another, his budding psychic empathy was beginning to kick in, meaning he was vicariously experiencing emotions that definitely weren't his. It wasn't long before these changes were so pronounced he couldn't ignore them or write them off anymore, and he began to except that maybe, maybe he was really the child of Aphrodite.

Eventually, a man named Garrett approached him, introducing himself as a son of Zeus. It seemed he had caught wind of Ian's abilities and wanted him to fill a hole in the team of divine offspring he had assembled. He needed someone who was good at being charming, and Ian's physical beauty and sweet nature made him a perfect candidate. The fact that he was fairly submissive, meaning it wasn't hard to manipulate him into doing whatever was necessary, helped too. Initially, Ian was reluctant to join the group, but he eventually caved to pressure from Garrett, thus becoming a tool in a search for a divine artifact he had no stake in.

Physically, Ian is relatively fit. His strength, stamina, etc aren't anything abnormally high, but he does exercise regularly and eat healthily, so he's in pretty good shape.

Mentally, Ian has somewhat above average intelligence. However, that's mostly in the area of book learning, and even then he's better at language-related things than he is math and the like.

Emotionally, Ian is pretty stable all around. However, he does have his issues, like his tendency to be passive-aggressive, his intense discomfort at being the center of attention, etc.

epic appearance- Ian is supernaturally physically attractive. This means he attracts the attentions of others regardless of their personal taste--though this ability does not disregard sexual orientation. An individual must have some degree of attraction to men for it work on them; while those that are attracted to women exclusively still feel the need to look and acknowledge his prettiness, they are not compelled to feel attracted to him. He has no real control over this ability; it is always on, and it affects everyone in his general vicinity. It only effects face-to-face interactions.

empathy- Ian can sense the emotions of others. There is no 'off' switch on this, either. He tends to vicariously experience others' feelings, and as a result he's easily overwhelmed when he's submerged in large groups of people. Once again, face-to-face interaction is required for this ability to work.

(NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, Ian's divine growth will be halted during his stay in Ruby City.)

!ooc, *profile

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