Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line (unless the first line reveals the song title) from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!
01) Walks into the room, feels like a big balloon Big Girl, You Are Beautiful; Mika - (
02) I wish I'd hear a rooster crow
03) Open your eyes, undo the seam
04) Drawing a line, a ship in a harbor Gypsy King, Patrick Wolf (
05) I tell you a story, but you won't listen
06) You sweat her, and I ain't talkin 'bout a Coogi
07) Hello - did you miss me? I know I'm hard to resist
08) Oh the cap'n tol' him, bring me the body...
09) -- there will be a show tonight on trampoline Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite, the Beatles (
10) The hand that wrote this letter sweeps the pillow clean
11) ¿Como sobrevivir? ¿Como calmar mí sed?
12) It's a 20 minute walk to the train
13) You say you wander your own life
14) Here I dreamt I was a soldier
15) God that was strange to see you again Your Ex-Lover Is Dead, Stars (
16) It's been so long since I've seen your face, so long since I've been to first base
17) In the place of the sun, in place of moon, a terrible light will flood every room
18) It's so relieving to know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid
19) I'm not like them but I can pretend
20) Hanging about down the market street
21) --- these are just a couple of my cravings Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk, Rufus Wainwright (
22) I, I wish you could swim like the dolphins... Heroes, David Bowie (
23) Blind girl I missed you, I missed you so much
24) She was a girl from Birmingham, she just had an abortion Bodies, The Sex Pistols (
25) You win a prize for that, for telling lies like that so well that I believed it
26) -- this position I've held, it pays my way and it corrodes my soul Frankly Mr. Shankly, The Smiths (
27) No, I'm not the man I used to be lately
28) Am I more than you bargained forrrr Sugar We're Goin Down - Fall Out Boy (
29) Los han visto por ahí
30) Cuando el tiempo pasa y nos hacemos viejos...
Have fun, guys. LOST TOMORROW, oh man.