Right. So, guess who just got accepted in one of the 2 best translation schools of France ? Oh, yeah.
(Cue a lot of flailing on my part and plans to celebrate it in remarkably distinguished ways. Ahem.)
Also, there have been a lot of forest fires around my house recently. And because I live on the border of a cliff, the firefighting
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Comments 4
But thanks to your description, I now see an army of GAR fire-fighting Matthews thundering over people's houses wearing red pullovers, holding umbrellas and wearing a nanny-hats. Them singing "A Spoon Full of Maple Helps the Medicine Go Down" only adds to the surreal image.
I think you have made my day. &hearts
That certainly adds interest to the image... How safe the people would feel, "don't worry, we have these guys here if anything happens ! Rest assured, they know how to put their umbrellas to good use !"
Happy to make you smile ♥
Sinon, c'est la merde les feux de forêts. Ca me fend le coeur à chaque fois.
Ca fait mal sur le moment de voir tout brûlé, mais même des années après c'est toujours une plaie. Quand tu vois que de la petite garrigue (avec des arbustes qui dépassent pas les 30cm de haut et qui piquent les mollets) à la place des pins qui faisaient de l'ombre, d'un coup t'as l'envie de faire une balade en forêt qui disparait...
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