NANA Cosplay Photoshoot

Aug 18, 2011 01:45

Shin & Reira

"Don't let go of this hand you've held"

Here's a sound-track for this post - NANA's 5th ending
"Winter Sleep" by OLIVIA inspi' REIRA ~Trapnest~

image Click to view

He was her first love, but she was never more than a little sister.
Not the type to settle down, it seems even Takumi had found someone.

Even in the company of friends, she felt empty.
Who could she call out to?

When they first met, he offered certain services. At a price.
"Are you serious about this?"


She had what she wanted. He got what he came for.
And then it was over.

Was it? He left his lighter behind.
It was on purpose wasn't it?

"Thanks. I'm sorry I was careless."
"Stay. Here. TAKE IT"

Is this alright? Does that matter?

They're lucky. The world knows. They can be open and care-free.

Even our friends can't know.
There is nothing between us outside the walls of a hotel room.

Maybe it doesn't matter. It's not just a business deal anymore.

Liner Notes
Cast   Reira Serizawa: pho3nix
Shinichi Okazaki: kitsunesqueak
Takumi Ichinose: thiefbydesign
Nana Komatsu: blueskad00
Nana Osaki: heulangel
   Crew   Photographer: epiic
Assistant: yunaura
Roommate: everon
I'm a fan of NANA. Awesome as Nana Osaki may be, I don't find either of the two lead characters all that compelling. The supporting cast is what makes it for me. Those are the characters who I found myself emotionally invested in. In particular, Shin and Reira became my personal favorite pairing. As a result, I've wanted to do a shoot of them for while.

I noticed kitsunesqueak had mentioned plans to cosplay Shin at Fanime. So, I asked about who else was involved. I decided the plan for the photoshoot would be to show the nature of their relationship, as well as contrast it to those around them, particularly Hachi and Takumi, her first love. (In retrospect, I probably should have done more with Takumi and Reira.)

A general goal of mine in cosplay photography is to take pictures that tell the viewer about the character. I think it's normal to try to show off a costume, but often that's what I'm least focused on. pho3nix had a really lovely dress that doesn't get much attention in these pictures.

To that end, I like exploring interaction between characters in cosplay photos. Not just the ones I take, but the ones I'm in too. Though since I'm not really good at managing even three people in a single shot, I tend to focus on two at a time. That lends well to couples, which is something I really like shooting. (And being shot as part of.) Even though I'm a bit jaded regarding real life romance, fantasy romance can still capture my interest.

I'm really happy I was able to do this shoot. I got a little nervous that it wouldn't happen as it got delayed, then delayed more. A lot of logistics were involved - coordinating 7 people, props, locations, and multiple outfits - so there was plenty of space for things to fall apart. Fortunately, they were also enthusiastic about the shoot, and it all came together, as we stayed up till late going through my list. Thank You so much to pho3nix and kitsunesqueak for staying up so late with me, and indulging my slow style and long list of planned shots.


Take THAT, Demon Lord!

Buh-but, what if he falls for Sachiko!

I'm mad that you don't know why I'm mad

There are more behind the scenes shots on yunaura's FB

In other news... Fanime photos in general are done - there's some cool stuff to check out:

SpookyElectric's Fanime Cosplay Pictures!

photoshoot, fanime, cosplay

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