Title: Dusted
Rating: PG-13
Genre: apocalypse fic, drama, romance
Characters/Pairings: Lily/James, Marauder-era crew, Weasley appearances, and one I can't say because of spoilers.
Spoilers: Pre-series, so none, really.
Summary: When Lily and James' world is destroyed by one man, each learns what humanity means.
Notes: No beta, except myself. Cross
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Comments 6
But wow, this was VERY different, which I've grown to appreciate in HP fics a lot more recently. And the bits b/w Lily and James were cute :)
Thank you! I tried to make this a bit more plotty and not as fluffy as my previous ones, so I'm glad it's appreciated! =)
Goddamn, I think I'm still in a state of shock right now. This was just so beautifully written and there's something so inevitable about this tragedy, something that makes it seem as though it could never have *not* happened, despite it all. Beautiful, just beautiful, and terrible as well in the best way possible.
When I posted this, I was actually SO worried that there were plot holes (lol, writing this during college wasn't the best idea I ever had) and that the concept was too abstract, but I'm so glad that you liked it!! =D
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