Title: Exactly That Girl
Rating: PG-13 for sex
Genre: Fluffy angst
Characters/Pairings: Lily/James
Spoilers: Pre-series, so none, really.
Summary: She let him go once and is getting him back
Notes: No beta, except myself. Cross posted. Prompt "electic shock"
7spells. First fic in awhile, so go easy on me, my brain is slightly haywire lately. :)
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Comments 18
I really enjoyed this. I look forward to reading more of your work if you post it.
As for more of my work, I have all my fanfic tagged according to fandom and such. I don't have a huge amount of work, but there's more. :) [/shameless self-pimpage] lol
Just one thing:
She’s willing to do whatever she can to show him that this time, not his marriage proposal nor even the threat of Voldemort will going to scare her back to her muggle parents’ house in Surrey.
Umm... should that be "is going"? Sorry for being nit-picky...
...oops. Changed that! Thanks for pointing it out though, I do sometimes miss things; the perils of beta-ing my own fics, haha. =)
Haha, no problem. At least someone appreciates it, my friends get quite miffed when I do it to them.
Admittedly, strangers pointing out my mistakes is a bit embarrassing, but I do my own editing and such, so errors are inevitable. I'm always grateful if someone points it out early rather than later. =) I'm quite the grammar freak myself, so I know what it is to be unappreciated by friends, lol. :)
Nicely done!
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