Name: April
How long have you been riding for:8 years
What discipline do you ride (ie- hunter, or dressage, or pleasure): Started out Hunter, moving to jumper and eventing
Riding Strenghts:Perfectionist. I can change anything about my riding. Deep Heels. Steady, supportive lower leg.
Riding Weaknesses:I can get hunchy & loose my mind at times. My right leg sticks out further then my left.
Please provide at least one photo of yourself riding. You must be clearly visible (so please, no blurry photos). Pictures over fences are acceptable for Hunters, Jumpers and Cross-country riders. Side views are strongly encouraged.
Little Grey arab. Doing something weird where it looks like Im pinching with my knee. And looking at the kid next to me.
About to circle right
Hes on the forehand and sloppy looking, but for an OTTB who doesn't like groups, I was WAY happy.
Hes looking better here.