I think that's what bugs me most about Eglamore/Renardine's obsession with Surma.
They see the Surma in Annie (understandably) and feels anger/frustration (understandably) at the fact A) she's not their daughter and perhaps B) that she's not exactly Surma or what they think Surma's kid should be like, but a weird mixture of Surma and Anthony, with Anthony's expressionless face covering the fire of the woman they loved. And they tend to visibly show signs of how upset they are with this situation RIGHT IN FRONT OF ANNIE, without ever, ever asking her if she hated her father as much as they do.
And readers treat them as righteous because they're shown to be good guys, and Anthony is obviously a jerk who left his daughter. That point aside (he may actually be a jerk on that front), what right have they to put their OWN anger and old, old frustrations over the feelings of a girl who's missing her father? A girl who knew exactly nothing of their problems and thought of them as friends or reliable figures?
I think Annie's feelings about her father are quite complicated, but it's been pretty obvious for a while that she cares for him, she just didn't show it well with her Anthonyface at first. She was waiting to hear from him way, way back in first year, instead of going with her best friend. She stole a picture with him and Surma. In Fire Spike it was super obvious. And here, it's shown that her relationship with Anthony wasn't exactly....unhappy, either. It probably wasn't sunshine and rainbows, because lol Mr. Lineface And The Fact That Surma Was Dying, but it wasn't an abusive, extreme parental abandonment Eglamore/Renardine (and most of the readers, though for us it's quite fair to think of it that way) thought it to be, either. She has a memory of clutching to the hem of his judo robes and feeling happy. That says something, I think.
And that makes it rather not okay for Eglamore and Renardine to act so possessive of her, when she's not SURMA but ANNIE, regardless of whose fire is in her (if we want to get technical about it, it wasn't Surma's fire, either, but that of the elemental who dated the dude years and years back, Surma just left her imprint on it).
IDK, maybe this is what I get after feeling that Annie's been kind of uncomfortable around Eglamore for the past six chapters or so.
And it kind of bugs me that people wouldn't call them out on this. I'd be super creeped out if a guy acts all protective around me and angry at my father IN FRONT OF ME just because they used to date my mother. Seriously.
Let's allow a child to love her father, here.
Of course the jury is still out on what Mr. Carver thinks of his daughter. I think there IS still a good possibility that he is a total jerk in the matter (dead wife and all), though I prefer to think the other way, honestly. At worst, it's 'complicated'. But that is that and this is this.
P.S. It'd be cool if Anthony was actually behind the tick-tock birds after all this time, huh. I can't remember if they were there since his time in school. If they did, so much for that idea. If not, well, perfect surveillance option that wouldn't be that hard to build for him, isn't it? ANNIE'S SWEATER COULD BE A RED HERRING TOM CAN PULL THAT SORT OF THING.
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