Sarah: ben's been sort of a douche lately
Sarah: and he promises to change and it doesn't happen and i don't know what to do really 'cause i love him and all
syuu: how has he been a douche?
syuu: like what has he done?
Sarah: well he just gets into these moods and is mean during them and then when they're over he wonders why I'm upset and tells me I'm overreacting
Sarah: and I overreact at times, but not that much
Sarah: also he really needs to get his license and a job and hasn't
Sarah: he lives 20 min. away, takes a toll on my gas when I want to see him... my dad pays for it but if he drove, his family just puts their gas expenses on their business' tab because they business pays for it so they don't even pay. so it would be better if he drove once in a while
Sarah: but when he gets in those stupid moods and is mean I can't stand it because I do so much for us and he does nothing and I don't think he has a right to be snappy at me just because he's tired or something
syuu: yeah. it sounds like he's being really selfish.
syuu: he sounds like he's being lazy and spoiled and bitchy too, because he knows you do so much and he can lazy about it.
Sarah: yeah
Sarah: I feel better when people agree with me
syuu: especially when you have a valid point about them being douchebags. -_-
syuu: like being told you're overreacting is just..insult to injury
Sarah: my problem is I care about him so much I will keep pampering him, and I probably just need to stay away for a while in order for him to learn
syuu: yeah, you really do. otherwise you'll just wear out.
Sarah: yeah i'm getting near the end
Wittles: if I am honest, while I don't know you (sarah) so much, i do always read stuff in IRC at this time of evening
Wittles: and I am a bit suprised you still put up with him sometimes
Sarah: thank you
Sarah: input is great
Sarah: it's hard to know sometimes
*time lapse!*
Sarah: hi
Sarah: I just told ben i'm not seeing him until he makes an appointment to get his license
Wittles: what did he say?
Sarah: he said ok, fair deal or whatever
Sarah: he still keeps saying crap like it's not my job to fix him and getting his license has nothig to do with me
Sarah: but he sounded somewhat upset so we'll see
Wittles: make sure you stick to your guns and don't cave in and see him!
syuu: agreed!
syuu: awesome move, btw
Sarah: thanks
Sarah: it sucks and hurts but i am somewhat proud of myself
syuu: as you should be
so that explains itself so I don't have to...