Dec 05, 2009 02:06
- 07:08:10: Went out last night and bought Verizon DSL kit. Logged on to the site to sign up. DSL isn't available here. So going to take it back today.
- 08:16:58: I had to take my sister to the drop point for her bus. She ends up missing it. So I drive to work, and mom takes over from there
- 08:17:48: I arrive at work to find another coworker in my spot. She shows me I'm not working today! Doh! Not only did I arrive early...
- 08:18:23: but because I was rushing to get my sister to the bus. I didn't put on my shoes or uniform... so I walked into the store shoeless. >>;
- 12:13:15: After watching Kamen Rider G... I think I'm going to die of laughter.
- 16:40:38: piggy backing on someone's connect atm. No longer getting Fios tomorrow sadly, getting it Monday instead since I had issues with the deposit
- 16:42:29: Least that is done with. Only left with $3 on my account, but now I can say goodbye to Cablevision.
- 21:46:12: If it wasn't for Pixie Sticks, I would be fast asleep right about now!
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