Round I / Challenge 12 - The Final

Apr 23, 2007 15:02

I'm so excited! The final challenge is here! :D

Our finalists are faerie_dance and pokecharm. Read everything carefully.

Rules Hang the rules. They're more like guidelines anyway.
[] Icons must be 100x100px and no more than 40kb in size.
[] No animation allowed.
[] You have to use ONLY the images provided.
[] You can use stock images (but not stock images of people), textures, brushes and/or effects.
[] Don't post the icons you submitted for this challenge anywhere else before the voting is over. If you do and I catch you, you'll be disqualified.
[] The icons you post must be made by you and exclusively for this challenge.

You should submit your icons by replying to this post. In your comment you have to have your icon with its direct URL, so it looks something like this:

Part I: Pictures
Submit TWO (2) icons using these pictures. Yes, one icon for each picture.

Part II: Saphira
Create an icon using any picture you want of Saphira.

Part III: Lyrics
Make an icon using any picture you want of the movie (actors are not allowed). But the icon must contain at least 3 consecutive words of the lyrics below.
Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance.
Click HERE for the lyrics.

Part IV: Flying
Create an icon using any picture you want of the movie, where the action of flying is visible.

DEADLINE - Friday, April 27 at (probably) 9AM EST.
REMEMBER You have to submit 5 icons this week. ;)

Have fun & good luck!

You CANNOT skip this challenge.

And please... Go sign up over at bloom_lims. :D

challenge 12, challenges, round i, final

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