Someone who always pays bills on time Credit companies hate that. That plus not charging anything will kill anybody's credit score. However, they surely won't want to go to court over it, so I expect them to settle.
Actually, from what I've read, having a credit card that has never been used is bad, but using the card even just once a year is as good as using it all the time.
So, if you get a credit card, and once a year go out and buy a candy bar with it, it does very good things to your credit rating.
That blows ass. It was amazing how I couldn't get dick for credit until I got a car loan. I was told 1 car loan > 1,000 credit cards. I imagine 1 home loan > 10 car loans.
Comments 4
Credit companies hate that. That plus not charging anything will kill anybody's credit score. However, they surely won't want to go to court over it, so I expect them to settle.
So, if you get a credit card, and once a year go out and buy a candy bar with it, it does very good things to your credit rating.
Isn't that f'ed up?
It was amazing how I couldn't get dick for credit until I got a car loan. I was told 1 car loan > 1,000 credit cards. I imagine 1 home loan > 10 car loans.
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