i think i will confirm something that bronwyn said recently, how can life be going so well and than completely suck. or at least thats kinda what she said
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well i know i hated it, but i would suggest a call center. you might do better there than i did. convergys in moore. i think theres something in norman too. but thats all the desk jobs im currently familure with.
most of the time call centers have such a high turnover rate that theyll hire anyone with a pulse, as long as they havnt worked there before.
but dont get the wrong idea, these people, or at least the ones i worked for, are assholes of the highest calaber. the last time i looked at one of there job aplications, i saw a little footnote that said if i sign it, and im hired, i give up the right to work for any of their compedeters. their that fucking bad.
DELLs call center is hiring Client Logic is always hiring TCIM is always hiring
you can get on the Norman Transcripts website and look at the classifieds under employment they have a whole section for like Clerical or secretarial work.
the worst problem youll probubly have in a call center job is your bosses will be dicks. i got griped at one time for being one minute late getting back to my computer from my five minute break to go pee. and i was only alloted one break a night during my shift. the job itself shouldnt be that difficult, but the bosses, pennypinching dicks, and they dont care about their workers. again thats just my experience, but i imagion it would be the same across the board.
Comments 9
most of the time call centers have such a high turnover rate that theyll hire anyone with a pulse, as long as they havnt worked there before.
but dont get the wrong idea, these people, or at least the ones i worked for, are assholes of the highest calaber. the last time i looked at one of there job aplications, i saw a little footnote that said if i sign it, and im hired, i give up the right to work for any of their compedeters. their that fucking bad.
Client Logic is always hiring
TCIM is always hiring
you can get on the Norman Transcripts website and look at the classifieds under employment they have a whole section for like Clerical or secretarial work.
(classified categories)
(employment categories)
( Clerical - office category)
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