I went the annual ALS walk on Saturday. Before I went, my mother and I decided it'd be nice to cross the beach and get some nice photos with the morning sky in it.
This is the Carlin Park beach, a nice area with a steep drop. I was clambering all over the this veritable cliff when I tripped over a wooden post embedded int he ground and sent my camera into the sand. It was the quintessential 'Oh Shit' moment of the day. And I did it immediately after I said, "Man, I feel like I'm going to fall on my face. *take a step* *trip* *kablam* Oh Shi--!"
It seems to be working okay, even though I was frantically trying to blow sand out of the crevices of the lens. But now I fear there may be a certain crunch noise going down where it shouldn't.
Anyways, pictures, then a quick video, then I'm going to disappear for a while, because I have a bunch of tests this week, and I have not studdied at all. At aaaaaaalllllll. ;n;
Note: most of these are not good pictures. But I just wanted to show you guys the beach.
I almost lost my shoe around this area. Had a major panic attack. In the videos, you'll see that every time a wave gets too close, I panic that it's going to go over my feet and steal my flip-flops.
A better look at the rocks, maybe:
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And what caused me extreme sadness, more than even face-planting with my camera in the sand. There are tiny birds that frequent the beach. For years I've been trying to photograph them, but they are quite camera shy. There was a whole flock of them at the beach that day, running in a tiny herd. It was the cutest thing...but they wouldn't fucking stop running from ME:
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That's my mother in the orange shirt at the end. She's an evil, cackling little troll. I was wearing the same orange shirt, so I probably looked quite ridiculous when I was jogging after them. Those shirts are our volunteer shirts that we were wearing for the ALS walk.
And finally, I have here some videos containing lovely, inspirational music from one of my favorite movies, Gattaca. I highly recomend seeing that movie if you haven't already! It gives a true insight into the terribleness of the human condition of seeking perfectionism and only seeing the flaws in each other, and how 'there is no gene for the human spirit.'
The music is quite inspirational, and now that I've found the files, I'm definitely going to listen to this when I get back to writing The Dumbing Down of Love and various other one-shots.
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I find the score in the last video, 'The Departure,' to be part of one of the most touching movie moments I've ever seen. A lot of symbolism, and a lot of hidden meaning are involved, but man! I can't get enough of it. As I said, I highly recomend seeing this movie!
If you're interested in receiving the audio files to the four tracks in the videos, or even any other tracks, please feel free to ask, because I have them. ;)