[journal] The Continuation of the Adopt-a-Flower Program

Apr 01, 2011 18:26

So, ugh. What a week! And it's still not over for me!

I've got so much work to do I could scream! Or curl up in a ball. In a corner. Under a shell. And grow some mold.

Aaaaanyways, FFFFFFFFFFFF. Oh my god. At last. finally. It's here. I FINALLY have it.



I've been waiting for this game~ For so long~ And then had to go on a wild goose-chase to find it~


And I shall waste as many hours as possible on it.


In other news!

The Adopt-a-Flower program has been hitting some speed bumps. Mainly: my parents are total cockblockers to the craft store.

(I just want you all to know, that in LJ's spellcheck, 'cockblockers' isn't a word. When you right click for the list of possible spellings, among the words is 'cocksucker.' Just a fun little fact for you all, but it just makes me wonder how often that word is used to have it be an official spelling...)

But today I have finally found the time!

Not only did I get to purchase Dissidia 012 today, but I also visited my old Montessori school. They love it when I come to visit. I blabbed all of my problems to my old principal/teacher, and then promptly--

--took a nap on the floor.


That is normal. In fact, the principal encouraged me. Because that's what I used to do as a kid: I'd take naps on the floor. It's a fun story that the teachers love to tell parents. "We once had this girl that'd fall asleep just about anywhere! She seemed particularly fond of the floor..."

But anyways, because I blabbed everything to the principal, I'm not going to be writing about my woes here. Lucky for you guys!

But talking to my old teachers did alleviate some of my fears. For college, I usually have a course-load of 4 classes. My classes are becoming increasingly difficult to juggle, and because of the awkward placement of my prerequisite courses, I'm not going to be able to apply for my nursing program until June of 2012. I was worried that I'd finish all of my prerequisites before then, and then be stuck having to take about 6 extra courses I didn't need. Hopefully now, with this new-found information, I'll be able to cut my course-load to only 2 courses a semester to save my scholarship hours, my parents' money, and myself a couple of aneurysms. ;u;

That's about all the good news. Everything else is whining.

But yeah, the teachers encouraged me to go out and get an anatomy coloring book, to help me study. And I did exactly that. (They said it was alright to sleep on the floor if I was still tired and didn't want to make the drive to PGA feeling sleepy. XD God I love them.) But the store that I was going to get it from was closed, so then I thought about exactly where I was, and then zipped right over to Michael's to get some craft supplies for the pots!


Why yes. That IS glitter glue. And we already have puffy paint in the house.

I've been reading up on painting ceramic pots, and it looks like all I need to do is apply the base-coat of paint, do what I want, then put a couple coats of polyurethane or varnish on, which I have. Yay. :D

But goddamn, that trip to the craft store really, REALLY hurt my wallet. I have a very limited income. Once in a blue moon I'll baby-sit, or do commissions for some people I know, but usually I have birthday money and Christmas money, and that's it.

I walked into Michael's with 87 dollars. I walked out with 41 dollars and change.


Anyways, while I was in Michael's, I saw these things:

Aren't they just the cutest things?!

image Click to view

I had to have them!

Ahmerst, if you're reading this, I'm going to send you one of them. ;3; I'm thinking that awesomesauce orange dinosaur, since I really love that robot a lot. His name is Newton. The robot, I mean.

Eventually, when I have the time, I'll get to painting the pots. The pots I got are 3'' ones, so even if I'll have to transplant them soon, I'll be able to easily ship you guys your specially painted pots. ><

For anyone reading this that wants to be part of the program, please say so in the comments section, and then tell me what name you want on the pot, and a possible background (I am terrible at painting, so please don't make it the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel...).

For those that have confirmed that they want me to grow a sunflower for them, please be sure to tell me what you want painted on the pot. It'll help to have them grouped in one place.

OTL Let's hope my schedule clears up soon....

sunflowers, journal, photography

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