(no subject)

Jun 03, 2006 09:44

it's survey time. (translated to mean: i really need to get cleaning but this is good for killing time)

i snagged the color one from my cousin. :-)


Closest red thing to you?: a little red jewelry box that holds a gift for my maid of honor

Last thing to make you angry?: not being able to get through to my insurance company during their "regular business hours" to tell them that they messed up on my billing and screwed up my checking account. grrr

Do you have a temper?: yes. i'm a total gemini. i can get ticked off fairly quickly, but then i calm down and let it go quickly too. actually making me ANGRY takes some work - and if that's the case, it takes either some real fancy apologizing or a long long time before i'll forget it.

Are you a fan of romance?: love it :-) i'm a sap.


Closest orange thing to you?: An orange starburt sucker on my desk.

Do you like to burn things?: i love my marshmallows with the outer layer burnt just a bit. and i love bonfires with my friends and poking our paper plates into the flames.

Dress up for Halloween?: occasionally. it depends on if i have a really good reason. the last couple years i've just given out candy - and last year i avoided the house altogether!

Are you a warm hearted person?: I'd like to think so

Do you have anything against ginger hair?: nope! i used to dye my hair red (although it was a dark brownish red)

Are you full of energy?: only sometimes. and not at all in comparison to the kids i work with



Closest yellow thing to you that's yellow?: my jacket, on the floor

The happiest time[s] of your life?: that's tough. the happy times that i will remember forever are the ones with my family, especially my mom; times with eric - his dad, the night we got engaged, etc; and my time with the Peanut Gallery.

Favorite holiday?: Christmas

What makes you smile?: little kids (i teach daycare and preschool for a reason!), eric, the gallery.

Are you a coward?: Yeah. I hide it well. i have no problem standing up for myself, but i hate confrontation, so i work around it if i can.

Do you burn or tan?: i tend to burn and then tan.



Closest green thing to you?: the thank you card from Tina for the baby stuff

Do you care about the environment?: Yes.

Are you jealous of anyone right now?: not really. but whenever i see couples i'm always a little jealous that they get to be together and eric and i don't.

Are you a lucky person?: yes and no. i have the best family, best fiance, and the best friends that anyone could imagine. there are very few people that keep friends as long as the Peanut Gallery has been together. we let each other change without standing in the way. and i love them for it. and i'm very very lucky to have eric. but at the same time we've had some really bad luck with timing and the military.

Do you always want what you can't have?: often. mostly cause wedding stuff gets overwhelming and i want eric.

Do you like being outdoors?: Yup



Closest blue thing to you: a box of carebear bandaids.

Are you good at calming people down?: i'd like to think so, but you'd really have to ask sarah or eric.

Do you like the sea?: love it. the sound of waves is one of the most relaxing sounds in the world to me. and no little sound machine can ever imitate them.

Last thing to make you cry?: i don't remember. the last time i remember crying was saying goodbye to eric in Germany

Are you a logical thinker?: very much so. sometimes too much for my own good.

Can you sleep easily?: only when i'm absolutely exhausted. otherwise it takes me awhile to fall asleep and i wake up easily. i sleep WAY better when eric's next to me.



Closest purple thing to you?: the collage that rachel made me during our senior year of college has some purple in it, and there's a purple photo albums with pictures of Greece on my bookshelf.

Like being treated to expensive things?: yes and no. it makes me feel vaguely guilty - like i'm not worth the expense. but if i can be convince that it doesn't create a hardship for the person treating me, then i enjoy it.

Do you like mysterious things?: what's a mysterious "thing"???

Ever met anyone in royalty?: not unless one of my friends has a secret for me

Are you creative?: sometimes.



Closest pink thing to you?: tube of rosewater hand therapy lotion

Do you like sweet foods?: i have an AWFUL sweet tooth. it gets me into so much trouble.

Like play-fighting?: huh? my mind totally went to the gutter there . . .

Are you sensitive?: yeah. eric's learned to deal.



Closest white thing to you?: Stacy and Pete's wedding invitation.

Would you say you're innocent?: totally depends on what you're referring to and who you're comparing me to.

Always try to keep the peace?: when it involves me? then generally yes. other people? no, cause i'd rather let them work it out themselves.

How do you imagine your wedding?: *snort* how long have you got?? Given that it's in 2 months and i'm neck-deep in the planning of it? brief overview: outside ceremony (unless it rains or is hot enough to melt my grandparents) at a beautiful rennovated farm. dinner and dancing in the refurbished barn with tons of natural light. fun with friends and family until Eric and I leave at 10pm to go collapse in the hot tub in the hotel room and unwind.

Do you like to play in the snow?: yeah - it's fun! (til february when the snow is just old, and cold, and not interesting anymore). i once built a 2ft tall snowman right outside our sliding doors junior year of college at 3am. i was taking a break from a paper. so the next morning at 7:30 when i was dead to the world and my roommate got up to go to class she opened the door and came face to face with my little buddy.

Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: certain doctors, yes. and i hate the dentist with a passion.



Name the closest black thing to you?: the top of my desk and my pen holder.

Ever enjoy hurting people?: occasionally i'll get a vindictive satisfaction (if they had it coming) followed almost immediately by guilt.

Are you sophisticated or silly?: both

Afraid of death?: more like afraid of loss. of saying goodbye.

Would you like to go to space?: nah. just not interested.

Do you have a lot of secrets?: no, not really.

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