Title: Hair Today, Revenge Tomorrow
Pairing: NaKaya (NakatsuXKayashima)
Rating: Pg-13? (for rather obvious implications)
Genre: Crack, Pron?, Drabble
Summary: Umm... I think the stuff above pretty much describes it...But told from Kayashima's hair's POV.
It's such a nice day with the a breeze blowing me around. I really like what he did with me today. I feel so shiny.
Oh, fluorescent light, must be inside. Pillow, laying down is good as long has he doesn't squish me. Ok, getting up.
Someone is touching me in the back. That feels nice. Ow, not so hard. Ok, this shirt is totally going to mess up the bangs.
Now I'm being pulled on? This is downright yanking! Back and forth! I'm not reins! He's ruining all the work Taiki put into me this morning. What?! There's something sticky and warm on me. That's it! I'm not gonna do a damn thing he tries tomorrow!
A/N: Inspired by
mikan_tsuki & this pic:
Comments make me squee!