Thank God for digital photography. I took a couple of hundred just the first day! I had to slow down, or in three weeks, I knew I was going to fill up my memory cards.
I can't take any credit for it. :-p There's a program called PhotoStitch that came with my camera. The only thing I did was take photos at short enough intervals that it was able to smooth out the stitches.
I know this is bit of a back-dated comment, but I just found your journal and I loved that picture. I was in Florence last winter, and although I didn't go up into the dome I did climb the steps to the bell tower and the view was amazing! (I thought my some 300 photos was a lot, but 4,000 - wow!)
Thanks! The climb to the dome was a little daunting. And yeah, thank goodness for digital photography! I had a rather obsolete Canon PowerShot (which I accidentally murdered the other day, boo hoo) that was I think 3.2 megapixel, and I filled up two fat memory cards. I think I took about 200 pictures the first day I was in Italy, and had to force myself to slow down!
There's a bit of parallax at the seams, but that's to be expected. You're moving the nodal point of the lens. :P
Regardless, this is pretty well done. Some of the exposure seems to have changed from one shot to the next (look for vertical lines in the sky), but it's a fairly subtle change.
Thanks. Yeah, for having been stiched together by a cheap little program that came with my camera, it didn't turn out half bad. I suppose you can do such stitching in Photoshop? I should learn how. And if I had a better camera, I could fix the exposure, but I carried a pretty simple little point-and-shoot to Italy.
Wow, that's beautiful. I'm saving for a new camera. :-( I murdered my digital (the one that went to Rome) the other day, but it was pretty old and obsolete anyway. I need money. I need a job.
Comments 10
Regardless, this is pretty well done. Some of the exposure seems to have changed from one shot to the next (look for vertical lines in the sky), but it's a fairly subtle change.
Good work. :)
You need a panoramic tripod head (which ain't cheap) to get rid of the parallax. I'm saving for one of these.
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